Now to this week's weigh in. We have a loss! I'm down 2 lb from last week making today's number 248! I am so excited to be under 250.
Dani is supposed to recieve her curriculum soon. She is quite the reader. She finished Junie B. Jones First Grade at Last in just 2 days. Remember, she is only starting 1st this year and she read this all by herself!
I guess it's time to do my chores (yuck). I will try to update again at some point this week. And, I'll be here for sure next Friday for weigh in.
These are the ramblings and thoughts of a SAHM of 6, a, wife, a plus size woman who has finally embraced who she is, someone discovering what life is like in her 30's, a collector of bears, a user of essential oils, a writer, an advocate for education, equal parenting, LGBTQI rights, and breastfeeding, and an all around interesting person.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Black Screen of Death
Oh the sudden and unexpected joys of running a Vista computer. Yesterday, I turned on my computer and got a solid black screen with a white mouse pointer. This is known as the Vista "Black Screen of Death". I tried every possible solution listed on the web. Nothing worked. Only one option left: reload the operating system. For anyone who has never done this, it erases everything. I lost data, programs, etc. What joy! I have spent the day trying to get programs reloaded and setting back the way I like them. I also have over 100 updates to install. Yep, fun times.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Going Down
So, today the scale reads 250 even! That's down 1.6 lbs from Monday. I have to say I am very happy with that. I really thing that I was sabotaging myself not eating enough before this week. Now, I am eating my breastfeeding calories and even some of my exercise calories. I no longer feel like I'm starving and the weight is still coming off! I didn't even exercise as good as I should this week so I am surprised I lost any. This has been the motivation I needed. I think I can get back to working out again. I have to stay focused!
On a side note, Mak and Nicci have both had rounds of fever this week. Neither lasted more than a day and they seem perfectly fine now but I do hate having sick little ones. Nicci had an appointment this week. She is weighed in at 31 lb and 40". That put her at 25% on height and weight but 50% on her BMI. Perfectly healthy for her. I also weighed Tabi this week. She is up to 10 lb 12oz. Not bad for a stinker that refused to gain at first!
On a side note, Mak and Nicci have both had rounds of fever this week. Neither lasted more than a day and they seem perfectly fine now but I do hate having sick little ones. Nicci had an appointment this week. She is weighed in at 31 lb and 40". That put her at 25% on height and weight but 50% on her BMI. Perfectly healthy for her. I also weighed Tabi this week. She is up to 10 lb 12oz. Not bad for a stinker that refused to gain at first!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tomorrow's the Day
Tomorrow I weigh in. I am a bit nervous because of the changes I have made. I didn't exercise every day this week either. I am worried that I won't see a change, or worse, that I will see a negative change! I am about to start my exercise for today though. Cross your fingers that tomorrow brings good news.
Monday, August 15, 2011
No Weigh
So, I have been weighing every single day. In fact, sometimes I weigh twice a day. This is definitely not good for me. We have decided that I can weigh no more than twice a week. Since I tend to splurge more on the weekend, I'd probably do best to weigh on either Wednesday or Friday. So, I'm taking his advice. I will now be weighing only on Friday after I've had a full week to repair the weekend if I have trouble.
I did weigh last Friday and I was at 251 and that is consistant with were I am today (I know bad girl, but this is the last time really until Friday). Yeah! That's a 4lb loss from last week. I will post my weigh in again on Friday since that is the new chosen day. I hope my Zumba keeps giving me good results.
I am still watching what I eat, but found I was overdoing the calorie counting. I was, in fact, starving and sabotaging myself. I am currently breastfeeding which requires about 500 calories a day for milk. I was down to 1270 calories a day and burning about 600 with Zumba, plus nursing. I was trying not to eat any of the calories I burned, and I wasn't logging the breastfeeding at all. That means I was netting closer to 170 calories a day. Because of this, any time I ate over my calorie count, my body tried to store it all. I actually ate more this weekend, still trying to watch portion sizes though, than I have in several weeks and the result was good! I'll keep monitoring it and make adjustments as I need to.
I still plan to log my exercise so that I can see what my activity is doing for me. I am logging water as well because honestly, I hate to drink it and the log helps me. I also have a much better idea of how many calories are in things and have made some healthier switches. I am drinking no regular soda, adding no sugar (some Splenda though), and cutting portion sizes. I think this may be a better long range method for me. I just obsess too much to continue the way I was doing. We'll see what next week brings.
I did weigh last Friday and I was at 251 and that is consistant with were I am today (I know bad girl, but this is the last time really until Friday). Yeah! That's a 4lb loss from last week. I will post my weigh in again on Friday since that is the new chosen day. I hope my Zumba keeps giving me good results.
I am still watching what I eat, but found I was overdoing the calorie counting. I was, in fact, starving and sabotaging myself. I am currently breastfeeding which requires about 500 calories a day for milk. I was down to 1270 calories a day and burning about 600 with Zumba, plus nursing. I was trying not to eat any of the calories I burned, and I wasn't logging the breastfeeding at all. That means I was netting closer to 170 calories a day. Because of this, any time I ate over my calorie count, my body tried to store it all. I actually ate more this weekend, still trying to watch portion sizes though, than I have in several weeks and the result was good! I'll keep monitoring it and make adjustments as I need to.
I still plan to log my exercise so that I can see what my activity is doing for me. I am logging water as well because honestly, I hate to drink it and the log helps me. I also have a much better idea of how many calories are in things and have made some healthier switches. I am drinking no regular soda, adding no sugar (some Splenda though), and cutting portion sizes. I think this may be a better long range method for me. I just obsess too much to continue the way I was doing. We'll see what next week brings.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Some Days I Hate the Internet
So we are getting ready to have lunch and I'm looking at the ladle. I think there is no possible way that holds 3/4 c. So I measure it using a measuring cup. My ladles (both different brands, etc) each hold 4 oz. Which is what I thought before I "checked" on the internet. Obviouslty, that was inaccurate infromation. Arg! I could have had a treat if I had't thought I was over on my dinner portion!
On a completely unrelated note, Meli started Kindergarten today. She was so excited to be returning to school. Hope all continues to go well on that front.
On a completely unrelated note, Meli started Kindergarten today. She was so excited to be returning to school. Hope all continues to go well on that front.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Portion Distortion
I have really been trying to watch the portion sizes on things. I find that to be much harder than I realized. I am undersizing some stuff and oversizing others. Tonight I made Taco Soup. I knew with my working out etc I could have 3 c at about 200 calories each with 1/6 c shredded cheese and still be well under my calorie count. I used a soup ladle and estimated it at about 1/2 c. Wrong! It's 6 oz or 3/4 c. That added an extra 1.5 c over what I intended to eat. That's an extra 300 calories! Thank goodness I had some to spare. I am finding that things that are countable (ie 2 precut slices, 5 crackers, etc) are my favorite. I don't mind single serving packs either. Some things I can do with single session multiple servings (ie a bag of popcorn is 2 servings but I can have the whole bag at once for a reasonable number of calories.) It's the big containers that make it hard. Things like block cheese, jelly (reduced sugar of course), and salad dressing are much harder. I have to figure out estimating though because I don't have the time to measure everything and I certainly don't plan on carrying a scale and measuring cup around when we go out. This is not a short term quick loss I am looking for, it's a forever change in lifestyle. Because of that I have to get better at this measuring. Tonight was a real eye opener. I'll be watching even closer in the future and I'm sure it will get easier with time.
A Healthy New Addiction
I'm ready to admit it. I am addicted to Zumba! It is so fun. I honestly can't get enough. I did 40 minutes Monday, 50 minutes yesterday, 45 minutes today and I can't wait until I get to Zumba again tomorrow. I know it's exercise but I see now why it's so popular. It is energizing with great music. I'm still a bit uncoordinated so I miss some steps and do others completely backwards, but I'm moving! The time passes so fast that it's like I'm not even working out. Don't misunderstand that. I work, hard and I sweat, a lot. It's just that doing the Zumba routines is like going to a party. It seems like as soon as I start, it's over but in fact I've burned some serious calories! I have to be careful though, I mean too much of even a good thing can be bad. So, I limit my sessions to 1-2 routines per day. I'm building up slowly with more complex routines as I go. I plan to make Zumba a healthy part of my routine as I get more fit. After all, exercise that is enjoyable is always going to be a plus. And, if I'm going to lose the weight and keep it off, I'm going to have to make long term plans to stay with both the healthier eating and the increased activity.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Zumba My Booty Off
I'm sure it's clear that I was very unhappy with my Monday weigh in. So, starting yesterday I have made a commitment to exercise at least 20 minutes 5 days a week. I started Zumba. I tried it once before and thought this may be too much, but I have really gotten into it the last couple of days. I did 40 minutes yesterday and 50 minutes today. It is so much fun! It burns a ton of calories and I'm actually looking forward to exercise. I want to be sure not to overdo it but so far I'm feeling great.
On a much less fun note, I also did about 40 minutes of housework yesterday and added squats to the laundry. I have to say, I prefer the Zumba workout, but it all burns calories so at least there's that benefit.
I have way increased my water consumption. Honestly, I hate to drink water. I always say I prefer my water with a little Dr. Pepper in it, lol. But, yesterday I drank all 8 glasses and so far today I am at 4. I have been trying to drink 2 glasses just before I eat. It is really helping me not feel so hungry while eating a smaller portion.
I won't lie. I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but at least I don't feel like I'll never see that light. I feel really good and hope that this is a sign that this is getting easier. I truly am committed not just for me, but also for my kids.
On a much less fun note, I also did about 40 minutes of housework yesterday and added squats to the laundry. I have to say, I prefer the Zumba workout, but it all burns calories so at least there's that benefit.
I have way increased my water consumption. Honestly, I hate to drink water. I always say I prefer my water with a little Dr. Pepper in it, lol. But, yesterday I drank all 8 glasses and so far today I am at 4. I have been trying to drink 2 glasses just before I eat. It is really helping me not feel so hungry while eating a smaller portion.
I won't lie. I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but at least I don't feel like I'll never see that light. I feel really good and hope that this is a sign that this is getting easier. I truly am committed not just for me, but also for my kids.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Too Much of a Good Thing
So, sadly I weighed in this morning at 255. That's right I have managed to gain 3 lbs this week. Not at all the direction I was wanting to head. I know that I really slacked off this week with Mak and Meli both celebrating a birthday and the regular just before school starts stuff. Still, I can't believe I actually gained! I kept justifying that I was moving enough to eat what I wanted. Obviously not. I am so disappointed and will have to work extra hard next week to overcome the bad job I did this week.
Mr. Baby Need A New Name
Mr. Baby AKA Mak turned 2 today. Well yesterday since it's after midnight, lol. He had such a full day. We spent 5 hours at the zoo. He got to see all his favorite animals and even the lions cooperated. We did have rough spot when he took a tumble and gashed his forehead. It bled so much but stopped quickly and he was back to normal in no time. After the zoo, we took him to eat where he opened his gift, his very own baby doll! He had a cotton candy nearly as big as his head for dessert. It was so funny when he tried to throw it away because of course, it stuck to his fingers and refused to budge, lol. All and all it was great, but I realized he's going to need a new nickname soon. At 2, I can't imagine he's going to stand for being called a baby much longer. What's a mommy to do?
Thursday, August 4, 2011
I Know Why It's Called DIEting
I am so sick of watching what I eat! I never imagined it could be this hard. My body keeps sending out all the wrong signals and that is so frustrating. Last night, I ate reasonable portion sizes, chewed many, many times, and ate slowly. As everyone else was finishing dinner, my stomach was growling like I hadn't eaten in days. I am counting calories so I know I had enough to eat yesterday but I still feel so hungry most of the time. I have a whole new respect for people who have lost large amounts of weight. I mean we all hear no pain, no gain but I never realized how painful it could be to lose! I know that in the end it will all be worth it and that my kids will be less likely to have poor eating habits if they don't see them at home. I know in the end it will all be worth it, but right now, I really question why I am putting myself through this!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Birthday Blowout
Today, my sweet Meli turned 5! Hard to believe she is so big already. She had a really fun day since she got to decide pretty much the whole thing. This morning she ate chocolate cereal and watched Pocahontas. After a rest period, she had a whole banana split at Braum's chosen by her over birhtday cake. Even with sharing it with her sisters and brother it still didn't get finished but they gave it a good try, lol. We followed that with the Jasmine Moran Children's Museum where she dug for dinosaurs, build magnet sculptures, shopped, and repaired cars. She finished the day with a burger, fries, corn on the cob, and more ice cream with chocolate sauce. She got a Barbie as well. By the time we got home she was wiped out! Can't wait to see what changes the next year bring for her.

Monday, August 1, 2011
Weekly Weigh In
Today I weighed in at 252! That means I am down 22 lbs from my beginning weight of 274. I am really watching the calories and trying super hard to cut the bad habits. I really do want to be healthy. I have stayed below 1320 calories for the past 2 days and am doing great so far today. I won't lie though. Right now I am so hungry! I still have 1066 calories left for today so I'm seriously thinking that a snack is in my future. The tough part is finding healthy low calorie options in a house full of kids and candy!
I know this will get easier as time goes on but right now it hurts. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out balance. I tend to starve most of the day for fear I will run out of calories. I'm sure that sounds so stupid. Then, because I don't hardly eat all day, I consume all my remaining calories for dinner. Way not the best method so I have to figure our a better way to get through the day under my count. I know that with time, the balance will come easier but for now, it's a nightmare.
I know this will get easier as time goes on but right now it hurts. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out balance. I tend to starve most of the day for fear I will run out of calories. I'm sure that sounds so stupid. Then, because I don't hardly eat all day, I consume all my remaining calories for dinner. Way not the best method so I have to figure our a better way to get through the day under my count. I know that with time, the balance will come easier but for now, it's a nightmare.
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