Sunday, October 21, 2012

An Update

Well, it has been forever since I updated.  So much has been going on lately. We are also well into our homeschool year.  It seems to be going well.  Nicci is flying through her Pre K stuff.  Meli seems to be doing well this year too.  Of course, Dani has no trouble at all other than lack of want to go to school, lol.

Tabi is 100% back to the way she was before her accident.  No one would ever look at her and have any clue as to what she has been through.  I am so thankful every day that we have been given another chance to watch her grow up.

I'm finally 34.  I know a lot of women act like their age is some sort of top secret, but I've worked hard for every last one of these years and I think they should each be a celebration.

Hopefully we will be finding out in just a few short weeks whether baby #6 will be a boy or girl.  I can't wait!  It seems like only yesterday we found out we were expecting and now we are in our 17th week.  Time sure flies!