Thursday, December 30, 2010

So Incredibly Blessed

I know this is not the immediate thought that pops into most people's minds after an accident, but we are so blessed!  Last night as we were coming home from the City, we hit a piece of debris on the road.  The car started to make a horrible grinding sound, and we pulled over.  I opened the door to the car to find gas gushing from under the car!

We grabbed all 4 kids, moved them into the center median away from the car, then I went back for coats and a cell phone.  My first call was to 911 because let's face it, that much gas only needs a little spark to become a huge problem.  We finally got emergency vehicles on scene, tow truck in route, and our friends on their way to rescue us.  Tecumseh PD took us about a quarter of a mile down to the McDonalds to wait for our ride. 

At this time I would like to echo my 3 year old's statement from last night and say "Mr. Lee, you're our hero."  He came out at nearly 11:00 to pick up me and the kids, dropped us off at his house, then went into Seminole to get Robb.

It wasn't until I was sitting there with Shelli that I realized how incredibly blessed we had been.  According to one of the officers on scene, the debris we hit could have killed us all had it come through the windshield instead of imbedding in the tank, a spark from the metal on the road could have ingited the gas, as could have a flicked out cigarette, engine heat, etc.

No one at all was hurt.  I have shoes that reek of gasoline today and we will be going into town soon to see what all damage was done to the car.  Regardless, I know that we could not be a more blessed family and that God definitely had a protective hand over us last night!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Post Christmas Update

Things have been absolutely insane around here!  I did go to the dr on 12/10.  Baby looks fine, a complete stinker, though.  They had to do a quick peek sono to get a heartbeat because the little wiggle worm wouldn't stay still!

All the kids had a great Christmas.  The girls got a huge doll house which will be set up in the new house.  Our contractor walked out on us, putting the entire project back behind schedule.  Instead of texturing, painting and possibly moving over the break, we hired new contractors and are waiting to have the drywall finished.

Well, that's what's been going on in a nutshell.  I have to take kids to the dr for shots in about an hour which means chaos starts in about 10 minutes.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It Never Ends

First, I'd like to say, we had a terrific Thanksgiving.  We spent 4 days and 3 nights swimming and soaking in the hot tub.  So fun and so relaxing.  We went out for Chinese food on Thanksgiving which was so good.

We did, unfortunately come back to issues.  The heater at the rental has stopped working and the part had to be ordered from Dallas.  They are supposed to be here tomorrow to get it fixed, but it has been cold around here since we got home on Saturday.

As usual, there have been more delays.  The contractor had issues with the subfloor where the new bathroom is going, so it will be at least Friday before he is finished with the conversion. 

My new flooring finally came in for the full bath.  The installer is supposed to be here on 12/8.  Hopefully, that goes smoothly.

Well, that's the current update.  I'll try to post again soon and definately after my OB appointment on 12/10!

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Customer Service?

I have been completely offline since Wednesday.  Why you ask?  Because I had to have the telephone transferred to the new house so the alarm could be activated.  That sounds fairly simple right?  WRONG!

I called in to AT&T on November 3 to set up service at the new house as of November 17.  I sat there all day long (over 12 hours) that day, and no one ever showed up!  I had a school thing with the kids the next morning, but called as soon as it was over from a pay phone (oh the joys!).  After holding and dealing with the automated system for 20 minutes, I finally reached a real live person.  I was told there was a "glitch" in the system but they would expedite my order and have someone out that day.

I waited 5 hours, then called back.  This time I was told that my request for an expedited order was denied and they would be out Friday between 8a-8p and someone must be at the house.  Are you kidding me?!?  I did nearly 20 hours of waiting already and now I need to wait up to another 12!  This delay also meant my alarm install had to be rescheduled.

I was, needless to say, way past unhappy.  I was transferred to every employee AT&T had, and in the end, told there was nothing I could do but wait.

I tried to find an alternate carrier, but in my small town, it's the big one or nothing!  No wonder they treat you like that!  No competition.

Finally, the technician arrives around 11a today.  Great!  Not too long of a wait today only 3 hours and soon I'll be back online at both houses (we were off temporarily at the old house to get a new number so our old number could move with us since the little ones have already learned it).  No such luck!  Apparently, someone had elected to cut all the telephone lines from the box.  Oh, they could reinstall them at $125 per jack. 

Really?  Just $125 per jack?  What a deal!  I can't afford that right now.  So I guess we leave the phone off until I can. 

"Sorry" says the tech.  "I can't leave until I complete the work order.  We are only responsible for the signal reaching the house, not getting inside.  If you don't want the service, you can call back and make an appointment to cancel it but it will be on when I leave today."

So even if I can't use the service, I still get to pay for the install and have to wait for the uninstall, or pay a bill every month, even unable to use the service.  Great!  And, this is approximately when the tears started.  I don't usually act so, well, female but at almost 12w pregnant, and on my 3rd day of telephone nonsense, I just couldn't take any more.

Fortunately, my contractor was on hand.  He worked until he got me a live line into the house, then he went back to the job he was there for!  He was my hero today! 

Well, I should get off here, we are starting to work at 9a tomorrow and I am completely wiped out from today.  The house is finally gettting close and we are hoping to be in by Christmas barring any other major delays.  Fingers crossed, we'll see what happens.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why Just Why?

So my mother and her boyfriend were up on 10/30.  As we were talking about the remodel, they kept mentioning how he could do all kinds of repair projects and he wasn't working.  I finally asked if he set tile.  Of course, have been doing it for years was the response I recieved.  So, I offered him a paid job setting my kitchen tile.  Since I was supposed to have appliances delivered on Friday, he would need to start on Monday.  I was assured he would be here.

Monday, I waited all day and he never showed.  It was one excuse after the other all day long.  Tuesday, at 11 AM, he finally makes it.  The original agreement was he would pull old floor, set new tile, stay over, then grout the next day.  Instead, he pulled the old floor and went home promising to be back by 3:30 PM Wednesday.

I called at 3:30, 4:30, and finally at 4:45, I called Mom to find out where he was.  She said she didn't know but also threw in something smart about us strapping him with this last minute.  I pointed out they were the ones who said he needed work, then I hung up!  She called back saying I misunderstood what she meant and asked when the appliances were coming.  I told her I had pushed them back a week because the floor couldn't possibly be done by Friday.  She suggested since the we had more than a week, they could both come and he could set tile while she played with the grandkids.  This sounded reasonable so I agreed.

They got here about 5:15 PM on Saturday and she didn't even say hi to me or the kids before they went over to work on the tile.  She stayed over there the entire time watching him work and never came to see the kids.  He climbed on my cabinets, used the paint mixer for mortar, made a huge mess, and destroyed 16 boxes worth of tile.  This was the end results: Tile Disaster

I have someone coming on Tuesday to start the tile work over.  It cost too much in new supplies, but the floor has to be done.  And of course, the highest cost was in the relationship between us and them.  I hope whatever they got from this was worth it to them!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Potty Animals & Other Strange Sights

Nicci is 100% potty trained!  She woke up last week on Friday and insisted on cloth panties.  She had 1 accident that day and 2 the following day.  She has been dry ever since!  Of course, she wants you to tell her she is a potty animal every single time she goes to the potty, but hey, it's so worth it.

Mak has turned into Houdini.  He escapes his high chair, rocker, and just about any other place he doesn't want to be.  He also climbs like a mountain goat and ends up in the strangest places.  Today, he kept knocking the cushion of the papasan stool and climbing on top of it. 

The pregnancy seems to be going well.  I am more nervous than I ever was with any of the others.  I haven't been this jumpy since Dani.  My first appointment is Monday and I'm sure I will feel calmer after seeing the dr.

The house is coming along great.  We got a new French door installed, the carport is up, the patio cover is almost finished, the basketball slab is done complete with pole, and the studio has power.  At this very moment I have tile being laid in the kitchen and my flooring for the bathroom is supposed to be in on Monday.  The cabinets in the kitchen are really looking good in green and the shelf above them is awesome.  I would have never believed there was so much wasted space at the top of the cabinets.  Hopefully it won't be too much longer before I am blogging from our new house!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time Does Fly!

It seems like forever since I have had a chance to update.  We are still working on the house.  Since I am expecting, I am not being much help at all over there. 

My first OB appointment is set for November 8.  I will be seeing a dr in OKC this time since I have not found one around here I like.  I am going to call tomorrow and try to get an appointment to have my knee looked at because it is still not getting any better.  In fact, I can hardly walk in the mornings.

Nicci has almost got this potty thing figured out.  She tries really hard and I think in another month or so, we will be 100% trained.

Mak is getting into mischief everywhere.  He climbs on everything and goes all the time.  He talks more every day too.  He has recently entered a screaming phase which I will be glad to see end.  Everything he wants he screams for!

Dani and Meli are both doing well in school.  Dani is the outgoing trouble type and Meli is the sweetheart who is everyone's friend.  It is hard to believe two girls could be so different and still sisters. 

Well, it's late and we must start early tomorrow.  I'll chat again soon!

Monday, October 11, 2010

In A Complete State of Shock

So much has happened since last week.  I turned another year older, Dani got her yearly swats at school, and today, well this:

I hurt my knee about a week ago.  I have been taking Tylenol but really think that Advil would help more.  I never take it though because of the risk.  I decided to take a home pregnancy test today, just to be safe, then take some Advil for my knee.  You could have knocked me over with a feather when I got a BFP!  I am just guessing I am around 5-6w at this point.  I'll keep everyone up to date as I know more though.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We Own A House

We closed on our house yesterday at just about 5:00 PM.  We are now home owners!!  I am so excited.  I can hardly believe it.  I have ordered the storage building and the surveyor will be out Friday to mark the boundries so that we can get a fence put up.  We bought the rest of the paint we need for the outside of the house as well.    Before much longer, we will be in our new house.  It is finally starting to seem real!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finally Coming Together

We are getting super close to getting actually into the house!  The last of the pre-closing paperwork has been submitted.  We are expecting to close early next week.  The guttering is due to go up tomorrow or Thursday.  The installer is coming to measure the bathroom for flooring, the kitchen tile installer is ordered but not yet called.  The outside of the house is nearly caulked and should be ready to paint soon.  The new fan is hung in the living room.  The new disposal and faucet are being installed tomorrow.  The walls are about 85% prepped, and we plan to focus on the kitchen and bath to get them completely painted and ready to go before the new floor goes in.  I'm super excited!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Actual Retail Value

The bank called yesterday.  They got the appraiser's report back.  The house appraised for more than the asking price!!  I was told that almost never happens.  We are so excited.  The bank said we should be ready to go by the end of next week.  It is actually becoming a reality, we may own the house by my birthday!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Situation Has Been Appraised

The appraiser made it out the the house yesterday at about 2:00.  He was there less than 20 minutes.  It was an entirely different process than I expected.  He walked around, asked a few questions, took some pictures and left.  He says his report should be in by Thursday.  It looks like we will have an answer on value soon!

Also, we spent the weekend so sick that nothing got done.  I still feel terrible and have to rest every few minutes today when I get up and around or my stomach gets very upset.

We have had some concerns over Mak's delayed motor skills so he went in yesterday for an evaluation as well.  The way the program works he had to have one 50% delay area or two 25% delay areas in order for him to get assistance from the Sooner Start team. He scored great on cognitive and okay in everything else except motor skills.  In that one area he has a 33% delay.  They really felt he would catch up quickly without oldest sister home to do so much for him.  Just in the last month he has made big strides.  I was told if in 6 months he hasn't continued to gain new skills, then we will need to reevaluate him.  Here's hoping he stays on track!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He's Finally Coming!

I just got a message from the appraiser!!!  He plans to be here on Monday to look at the house.  I can't wait!  It seems like we have been working on this forever and in just a few short weeks the house will officially be ours.  The guttering (colonial red) will be installed within the next couple of weeks.  The plan is to be in completely by end of October at the latest (I'm shooting for 10/11 so I don't have to pay another month's rent on the trailer, lol).

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'll Move In When I'm Ready

As anyone who follows me knows, we have been working on the new house for several weeks now.  It needed a lot of work!  (I swear the next person who tells me how great the house was and how clean the previous occupant kept it, I'll scream!!)  For some reason, everyone thinks we should be living in the new house by now.  I really can't figure out why so many people are so concerned over where I live. 

I'm actually really glad we haven't moved in yet.  We flooded in all the rain that fell on Wednesday.  We are trying to get some contractors out but that hasn't gone well at all.  No one seems to be able to get out here!  Also, we haven't closed on the house yet.  I know, I'm tired of waiting too, but it seems like this is the year for complications so the appraisal was never ordered!

For those that question why we are doing so much work on a house that hasn't closed yet, it's because we are certain we are moving into this house.  The current owner is willing to do a lease purchase agreement on the very super slight chance the loan fails to go through.

I just noticed today's entry doesn't seem to have a coherent train of thought or real reason, so I'll give up for today and see if my mind works better tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Can You Actually Die From Embarassment?

So, as moms sometimes do, I used a word I should not have said in front of my 5 year old yesterday.  We were talking about things she knows and she challenged with "I can count to 10 faster than you."  Then she announced "10, I win."  I told her that was not counting which she countered with "my teacher looks at things, says 10 and tells us she counted them."  That's when the bad word fell out as I responded "that's bullsh*t.  That is announcing a number, not counting."

So why does this matter at all, since surely I'm not the first mom in history to say such a word.  Because at 1:22p today my phone rang.  The elementary principal was calling to let me know my daughter stood up in class and announced to her teacher "My mom says the way you teach math is bullsh*t."

I was so embarrased I swear she could see me blushing over the phone!  Of course the quote wasn't quite accurate, and I assured the principal we would discuss appropriate language to use at school.  When my daughter got home, she even admitted she knew she shouldn't say that word. 

To make it worse, I am after all the wife of one of the teachers so this is especially difficult to live with.  I may not live through grade school!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Get Packing

I have a huge pile of boxes to get packed today.  I can't believe we are starting to get close.  Right now, we are packing those things people don't "use" like knick knacks.  The kitchen ceiling has been prepped and textured.  The plan is to batch the paint for most of the house, repair the living room ceiling, paint all the ceilings, and unload our first 5 items into the house tonight after work.  My part is down to cleaning which mostly has to wait on the painting at this point and of course packing this house so we are ready to go.  I can't wait!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Housework on a Whole New Level

We are currently working to buy a house.  A cute little brick and cedar place with 3 bedrooms and a 2 car garage.  And we are getting a terrific price on it!  So the problem?  It needs a serious cleaning before we can move in.  The previous tenants were renters and they left the place a mess.  There is drywall to patch, painting to do, lots of scrubbing and mopping, and just about every door in the place has been damaged.  This morning I spent 3 hours pulling nails and staples from the wall so that we can go in this evening and repair drywall and start painting walls and ceilings.  The sad part is, there are still staples and nails in the walls in most every room.  I know we are getting a great price on the house because it has new plumbing, new central heat and air, and a new roof including new decking.  It is in a nice neighborhood close to the school and it has a nice size yard.  I know it will be worth the work in the end, but right now, I need a vacation!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Brief Introduction

I have tried blogging at several different sites but find that the limitations of having to copy and paste to share with friends that don't use whatever site I choose. So, to simplify matters greatly I have decided to do all of my rambling in one location.

Let me start with a little summary of what this blog may or may not be. It is highly unlikely that it will be a daily journal because, let's face it, I have 4 kids and the oldest is only 5 so some days showering doesn't make my daily activity list much less blogging. I will probably be sharing random thoughts on all things related to my life not just as a mommy and a wife, but as a plus sized woman in her 30's. This will be a journey of self expression, crazy ideas, random poetry, political incorrectness, and everything that makes me, well, me!

Some things about me that you won't find on my profile:

1. I collect teddy bears (aka Arctophile).
2. My favorite color is purple.
3. I have 3 tattoos, would love more.
4. I don't smoke, but I used to.
5. I drink on occasion.
6. I do have a real job. I'm a stay at home mom. If you think it's easy, try it for a while.

Well, the kids refuse to go to sleep and have already gotten up a dozen times. Currently they are arguing over a toy which is nuts since it's an hour past bedtime and the oldest two have school tomorrow. I had better go handle it before we have sibling war.

Talk to you again soon.