Monday, November 12, 2012

Veggie Heaven

We have discovered Indian food!  I know a lot of people eat it but I never had.  We had looked for places that ranked well in the vegetarian community and tried the top rated one on the list.  I completely see the appeal!  There was a lot of spice and new flavors.  I must admit before this experience I was really having my doubts as to whether or not we could do this.  But, through this experience I was able to see that vegetarian cuisine could be more than fruit and salad.  I am so excited.  Can't wait to see what else we discover along this journey!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Jumping In Both Feet

Well, so much for the take it slow and easy transition route.  We have de-meated the house.  We gave away around 25 bags of groceries to our friends including 15 bags just from our freezer!  I didn't realize how much stock we had.  My freezer now looks pitifully bare.  Oh well, now I know exactly how much space I have to refill.  It only took about 6 months the first time so I am hopeful that we can do it even faster this time.  An empty freezer and light cabinets make me nervous.

So, we have been totally free of eating beef, pork, and poultry for 3 days now.  I know it doesn't sound like a lot now, but it's a great start.  I am really excited to see how this progresses.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mak is Sharing...

Everything!  He is getting the little brother he wants.  Well, at least he wants him now, it may be a different story once he is here, lol.  They said Albrecht Xavier looks good, but they didn't get as good of pictures of his heart as they would have liked (more on that in a moment), so I go in for a repeat ultrasound in 4 weeks.

On the down side of today, I met one of the rudest doctors I have ever encountered.  He was the "high-risk doctor for the diagnosics center (they do all the ultrasounds)Ugh!  According to him, since this will be my 4th c-section, it should be my last.  Is this based on something he saw in the ultrasound, some medically based concern for me, Albrecht, or a future baby?  Nope, it's based totally on his view that 4 c-sections is too many.  Oh, and that I'm fat.  According to him, the only way they could have gotten good pictures of the heart "based on how far along [I am] and [my] size" is if the baby had been laying flat on his back face up toward my belly button with his arms spread out.  Okay, I know I'm not a doctor, but I have had an ultrasound or 2, lol.  I have never been told there was a problem seeing anything because of my size, and I have been bigger.  And, as far as how far along I was, his office knew my due date, and they are the ones that scheduled the appointment based on a recommendation from my own OB.

I pointed out to Dr. Rude that would discuss whether or not I could safely have more with my doctor. He stated that any church that advocated the continuation of procreation at the risk of fetal or maternal injury should be ashamed and anyone who belonged to such a religion should find a new church. Let me first point out that although we believe in the commandment to be fruitful and multiply, I have never found anyone in the Church that feels that means to the detriment of mother and/or child. In fact I have heard just the opposite over and over again.

I would like to say that I have already talked to my doctor about this very concern.  His opinion (and this is the one I will follow!) is that we should watch this pregnancy progress, see if there are any problems as we move forward, and assess whether future children would be safe as we near the end of the pregnancy.  He says that for some women 2 is too many, but he has seen women have 6 or more with no issues.

Anyway, there was more to our conversation that I will not go into, the end result being that he's a rude jerk, thinks no one should ever have more than 3 csections, and perhaps fat women should not be allowed to get pregnant at all.  Of course, I'm summarizing. 

Oh well, it can't all be sunshine and rainbows I guess.  And the important thing for today, is that I currently have a healthy looking baby and everything looks good with me so far.  I'll try to just smile and be patient when I have to deal with Dr. Rude (remember repeat ultrasound in 4 weeks), ignore him and continue to listen to the doctor I respect and trust!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Words of Wisdom

Okay, I mentioned last week that due to some health concerns, we would have to be undertaking an new lifestyle.  We have spent much time this last week reading, studying, and praying and have finally come to a conclusion.  The final decision:  we are going to move into a predominately Pescatarian diet. 

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a pescatarian eats a mostly vegetarian diet consisting of grains, fruits, and vegetables.  As with some vegetarians, we are also going to continue to include dairy and eggs.  In addition to that, we will be including fish, shellfish, and mollusks in 2-3 meals per week.

We currently still plan to consume some limited amounts of meat or poultry during cold weather (no more than 1 meal per week) hence my statement of a predominately Pescatarian diet.  And, we will be enacting these changes over the next few months.

There are 3 main reasons for this:
1.  As anyone who knows us well knows, we are food storers.  That means at this point we have a chest freezer and a regular (over the fridge) freezer both full of predominately red meat.  In addition, we have soups, etc in the cabinet that will not fit into the new diet.  The idea of wasting all that money is more than I can stand!
2.  Sudden and radical changes in a person's diet can lead to severe abdominal discomfort and other surprising complications.  With me currently being pregnant (hope to peek at gender tomorrow!), I am not going to risk making me, Baby 6, or any of the other children sick by drastically changing our diet.
3.  We need some time to build a stock of the items that do coincide with our new diet since we are food storers.  The idea of not having some extra on hand is unnerving, lol.

So, the current plan is to decrease the meat served at each meal until we are eating some meals each week that are meatless.  I hope to have us completely converted within 6 months.  I know some are thinking that's a long time to transistion, but it does take into account our 3 main concerns with the changes.

Wish us luck!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

An Update

Well, it has been forever since I updated.  So much has been going on lately. We are also well into our homeschool year.  It seems to be going well.  Nicci is flying through her Pre K stuff.  Meli seems to be doing well this year too.  Of course, Dani has no trouble at all other than lack of want to go to school, lol.

Tabi is 100% back to the way she was before her accident.  No one would ever look at her and have any clue as to what she has been through.  I am so thankful every day that we have been given another chance to watch her grow up.

I'm finally 34.  I know a lot of women act like their age is some sort of top secret, but I've worked hard for every last one of these years and I think they should each be a celebration.

Hopefully we will be finding out in just a few short weeks whether baby #6 will be a boy or girl.  I can't wait!  It seems like only yesterday we found out we were expecting and now we are in our 17th week.  Time sure flies!

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Own Miracle Experiance

It has taken a little while for me to be able to share this, but I have witnessed a true miracle!  Let me apologize in advance if this seems a little disconjointed as it was a very emotional day. 

It all started last Tuesday.  I had the kids playing in the horse tank (we use it as a wading pool as so many in our area do).  Mak, of course, was not swimming but all the girls were.  And as usual, Tabi was in her US Coast Guard approved life vest.  I stepped inside the back door to grab a bucket of sidewalk chalk then  stepped back out and told the girls everyone out of the water.  I saw girls tumbling out, Dani fling a leg over and turn back (she generally gets Tabi out) so I thought everyone was out.  I ran back into the house to use the bathroom and grab towels.  As I approached the back door, Meli and Nicci run up crying, screaming "THE BABY IS DEAD!"  I ran out and saw Dani standing by the tank.  She was holding Tabi who was pale and limp.  I grabbed Tabi and ran into the house.  She wasn't breathing.  She was cold, and she was turning blue.  I called 911. 

Someone knocked on the door.  Two women from next door came in, one stating she was a nurse.  They took Tabi, laid her on the floor, and started trying to get her to breathe.  After what seemed like forever, I finally heard sirens.  I ran outside (the women were inside with Tabi) to wave down the first responders since the address on the house is hard to see.  Also during all this, I am trying to keep the other 4 children calm and in their rooms.  Tabi was still laid on the floor, limp and breathless.  He dropped to his knees and started to pray.  It was then, Tabi took her first ragged breath and spit out some water.  It had been about 10 minutes since she was pulled from the water.  We are told that they will need to Mediflight her to OU Children's Hospital but we cannot go with her.  I call a friend to come get the other kids. 

I load the van and drive as fast as we can the hour plus to OKC.  Tabi was having seizures and they were concerned that her brain was swelling.  They took her in for a CT that showed no initial swelling but wanted us to understand that did not mean things were okay.  They let us know they needed to intubate her.  We were told to give her a kiss before we left.  When the church members present prayed for her, I and her entire medical team also laid our hands on her body.  After the prayer, we were sent out. 

After what seemed like forever, I was finally allowed back in to see her.  She was so still.  The doctor explained she was sedated.  He was saying that the best we could hope for was several days to weeks on the ventilator in the ICU then weeks more in the hospital.  Even then, she may never be the same child she was before because there was no telling how much damage had been done by the lack of oxygen.  We were moved up to the ICU to wait it out. 

It could be seen on the monitor that she was initiating breathes so they decided to turn down the sedation so she could be evaluated by a neurologist.  As soon as she started to come around, she started trying to pull the tube out.  Because she was doing so well, it was decided that they would let her wake up and see if the tube could be removed.  As she woke up, she tried over and over to pull the tube out, even trying to use both arms together to grasp it as she had immobilizers over the IV lines.  About 9:30 she woke up and the tube was removed.  She looked around the room, asked for Dani. 

I was told I could hold her.  I picked her up but her head was super floppy, like when she was a newborn.  As the hours passed, though she wasn't able to lift her head, she started getting up on her knees and turning circles in the crib.  By morning, she had some neck control though she still couldn't sit up.  She was also asking for and signing milk and asking for Dani and Meli.  She was given some milk and she did great with drinking it and keeping it down.  Around 2pm we got word we would be moving to a regular peds room. 

She continued to improve at an incredible rate.  By bedtime, she had eaten a meal of solids and was sitting up alone.  By the next day, she was standing in the crib and talking as well as she did before the accident.  In the afternoon she was allowed to be off the monitors and go down to the play room.  She kept trying to stand and walk but was extremely wobbly even for her.  By later that evening, she could walk several steps at a time without falling.  And, by the next morning, she was walking almost as well as before. 

At about 11:30, which was almost exactly 72 hours after the accident, the doctor came in and told us that had no intention of letting her go so soon, but everyone was talking about the miracle baby and he had to come see for himself.  He said they weren't doing anything for her because God had already done it all and we would be going home that day!      To look at her now, you would never imagine what she has been through.  She is doing absolutely everything she was before and can't seem to understand what all the fuss is about.

And for those who are wondering how this could have happened with her in a life jacket, she was able to slip her arms out and turn the "puddle jumper" jacket around.  Then, the jacket held her under the water until her sister pulled her out. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

So Many Big Events

Things have been so busy that I haven't had time to breath lately much less post on my blog.  Let me give you a quick rundown before I get back to the tasks I am supposed to be on, lol.

First, Tabi is quite the walker these days.  She still hates to wear shoes but she sure can go!

Secondly, Meli is now 6.  I can't believe it has been so long already.  Of course, she is still the tiniest thing ever.  She is still wearing a 4T.  I am really beginning to think that I need to talk to her dr about it as she has been wearing a 4T since 2010.  Anyway, her celebration was awesome complete with a Barbie Princess cake.

Third on the update list is Mr. Baby.  I guess as he is 3 today, he's not really a baby anymore :(  He still isn't wild about the idea of potty training but I keep hoping!  He got a Batman race car set and a Batman doll for his birthday.  He was so excited since Batman is his very favorite.  Also, he was allowed to eat anything he wanted for dinner that night.  Unlike his sister who at least wanted real food, he opted for 3 large cotton candies and some ice cream, lol.

And, last but certainly not least... we are currently expecting #6!  I just took the test today but I guess I've known for a couple of weeks it would be positive.  EDD is 3/31.  So, now we have to look at modifications on the van or making the Expedition our primary car come March.  I guess we will wait and see how all that works out.

Okay, I have company coming for dinner and way more things I should be doing, so I better go for now.  I'll try to update again soon.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

So Much Going On

Wow.  I have not had time to update my blog in forever!  

I'll try to update all that has happened.  First, as I said on June 5, we are in the house!  On May 28 all the power went out in the trailer.  Not storm out but soaked electrical out.  We moved in to the house that night and have continued to finish up details around boxes, etc.  We got everything out of the trailer June 11.  The kids rooms are completely set up and box free.  Most of the other rooms still have boxes but we are making progress and the rooms themselves are completely set up.  The only exception is the hall bathroom that still needs a shower curtain and a blind before we start using it.  I know you may be thinking that in nearly a month we should have more done, but....

Vacation called!  We spent nearly 2 weeks starting June 15 on a blowout vacation.  We spent some time visiting my sister and her family in Teague, TX.  We spent a week on the beach at Galveston (LOVE the ocean), then meandered back home via a night in Teague, then Dallas, then Oklahoma City.  We had a fantastic time and lots of pics on Facebook to prove it :)

And, I also received my first VoxBox from Influenster.  I'll be sharing the products I tried and what I thought of them on a blog next week.  Don't miss it. 

Well, that's it for tonight.  With all that going on, we need to get some rest.  Talk to you soon!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Deadline Just Ahead

We have really been working hard on the house the last couple of days.  They have been very long days but the children have handled them like champs!  We have everything turning off at the rental house on June 1.  That's right we will be sleeping in the new house in a week!  And, my little Tabi Gene will be 1.  What an exciting week.

I have spent the last 2 days sorting through about 9 million articles of clothing.  We had stuff packed up and just kept adding more, so what we owned was completely out of control.  It is amazing how many clothes one family can amass.  It was bittersweet for me.  I find that I have no shorts at all because I have lost so much weight since last summer.  Oh well, must mean I need to shop more, lol.

We got the van back, yay!  I hated that rental and am so glad to have the Uplander back.  I know this update was really brief, but I am completely wiped out.  I will try to update again soon.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Newer Not Better

We finally got the car dropped off at the repair shop yesterday.  First, it had to be cleaned out.  I had no idea there was that much stuff in there.  It took nearly an hour and I am still not sure why some of that stuff was in the car in the first place, lol.  Anyway, they said it will be at least Friday and probably early next week before the car is done. 

So, off we go to pick up the rental.  They had us the craziest locking key/remote I have ever seen to a 2012 Chrysler Town & Country.  Let me first start by saying fuel wise, it is awesome.  Even with my driving it averages better than 22mpg.  And, there is mass cargo space behind the rear seats  plus if you do have less than 5 kids, the stow & go option is nice.  Other than that, I am not a fan of the T&C.  The rear seats lean way too far back and we cannot figure out how to change that.  There is no DVD player in this rental (I thought that was practically standard issue in vehicles these days, lol.) However, it does have this huge screen that shows a backup camera when it is in reverse.  I'm sure there are tons of people who love this, but to me it seems rather confusing.  And, it has satellite radio which means I spent the whole trip home scanning to find something in a genre I liked, just to hate the selections and switch back to regular radio.  I know, both of those can be found in a wide range of vehicles and are not exclusive to the T&C.  Now, let me share the downside to that "mass cargo space".  Everything else seems so cramped!  I generally sit all kinds of stuff (purse, takeout, etc) in the passenger's floorboard of the Uplander, but found there to be very little floor space in the T&C.  And, it was tighter for the kids to get through the spaces into the back as well. 

I know these are just first impressions and the T&C may grow on me this week, but you know what they say about first impressions so I thought I'd share mine with you.

Well, I have to go figure out where to put all the stuff that came out of the Uplander yesterday and continue to hope for super fast repairs!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Get Moving

Since my knee injury I have had a really hard time going, well, everything!  I have not been able to Zumba at all and you all know how I love my Zumba.  Well, today, I managed to play some games with the girls for about 20 minutes.  Not a real workout but at least I was moving some.  I have found that it takes very little movement to get my knee screaming in protest and swelling again.  When is this going to end?  What have I done to myself? Arg!

We did get a call yesterday on the van authorizing repairs and a rental car during the repairs.  I am so glad we will be handling that soon.  It is scheduled for drop off on Monday.  And, until then, we can't drive it if we may be after dark.  Last night we were pulled over and told the van now has no tail lights.  How is that even possible?  And, the onboard computer is also saying the left turn signal and the parking lights are out (but has not mentioned the tail lights, lol).  I am seriously beginning to wonder how "minor" this whole thing really was as the trouble keeps mounting.  My drivers window is also acting funny, my dash makes a funny noise, and a door rattles.  And, no, none of this was going on before the accident.  Hopefully, it all gets worked out.

And, on that note, the children think I should make lunch today.  Didn't I just do that yesterday?  I guess the demands never end, lol.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Knee Deep

I finally got back over to the new house on Monday and set up Mak's room.  It is still missing a dresser and his rocking horse, but he liked it so much that he had a fit when I told him we had to go.  Poor fella! 

Anyway, my knee has been killing me every since then.  All the progress I thought had been made seemed to evaporate.  I am back to taking Tylenol and trying to rest enough to be on the go this weekend.  We are supposed to go to the zoo on Saturday and I don't want to disappoint the crew.

School is almost over for the year.  I'm glad too because Dani has absolutely decided not to work.  Meli finished math for the year today and I think she will get the rest done tomorrow.  Dani took more than half a day on 3 math pages.  Arg!  I told her if she doesn't start doing her work she is going to be in school until next August when school starts again.

We are just 23 days from Tabi's first birthday.  How time has flown.  I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Still haven't heard anything solid on the van yet.  I hate having it messed up!

Well, I have dishes and Girl Scouts so I better get going.  I'll update again soon.

Friday, May 4, 2012

How Much For A Bump?

So, I went and got an estimate on repairs today.  First quote = $1564.27!  Really?  It's a bumper, a light, and a dented hood.  What is that Uplander made of anyway?  And of course, we are looking at replacing the car seats because that's what insurance, etc recommends.  They look fine but better safe than sorry later, right?  How does $200 to $356 sound?  OMG, what do they make car seats out of?  But, in all fairness, I need to replace 4 so I guess that's not too bad.  The police say the accident report won't be ready until next Thursday, but my totally fantastic State Farm agent is already working to help me get this resolved.  How completely great is that?  Well, we will see what next week brings as far as news on the car.  At least it is mostly cosmetic (my left turn signal doesn't work so that is a little mechanical) and no one was hurt.  Plus, the car is still completely driveable so thank goodness for that.  It is so hard for us to function with one car (kudos to all those who do it every day!).

On an unrelated note, we are now getting rid of all our rated R (or NC17) movies.  Wow, I never realized we had so many.  Well, it's a good cleansing.  I still need to get into the habit of spending more time reading my scriptures each day.  I know it's important so I really will try.  We now do family prayer mornings and evenings.  I love coming together in prayer to start and end the day. 

The house is really moving right along.  We got the fence up and Monday I will be cleaning and setting up Mak's room.  We really fell behind when I messed up my knee (it still hurts but I have to get things done, so, on we go).  We are so close but this last little bit seems to be taking FOREVER!  Oh well, it will so be worth it when it is finally done.  And, this is the last time I ever plan to move so it makes sense to make sure everything is just right.

Okay, enough for now.  For some reason the children think they need dinner and that I need to cook it.  I'm sure one day I'll miss them needing me so I better enjoy it while I can.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Smashing Day

Well, today was a roller coaster day.  First, the girls (Dani, Meli, and Nicci) were in a local talent show.  Dani played her keyboard and all 3 girls sang I Am a Child of God.  They did great and I was so very proud of them.  The talent show was long though with getting there at 12:30 and the last act leaving the stage at 3:10.  So by the time it was over, all the kids were tired (Tabi and Mak had missed a nap!) and ready to go home.  It's only a few blocks so how long could it take, right?

Well, I needed to stop by the new house for a second to grab something, then I headed for home.  I was about 3 blocks from the house when a young driver pulled across my lane way.  She was way too close for me to stop in time!  I swerved but still managed to hit her near her rear passenger tire.  Arg!  Then, of course, I moved the car before the police arrived since the rear was still sticking out into the road and all 5 kids were inside.  I know I shouldn't have moved, but my first though was what if someone else hits the van. 

So, those quick 3 blocks home took over an hour and added a trip to the body shop to tomorrow's schedule to get an estimate on the repairs. Luckily, the car still runs and no one was hurt so it is just an inconvience and cosmetic damage, but it still is frustrating. Here is the damage:


Hopefully, I'll come home tomorrow with good news of quick repairs! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back in Heavenly Father's Arms

I mentioned in my post a few days ago about Avery and her Bucket List.  Well, she passed away yesterday afternoon.  I cried when I read the news.  There were just 24 short days from the time her family received her diagnosis to her last breath.  She was such a beautiful little girl.  I'm sure her family will miss her greatly as will anyone who was following her story.  The plus side is that she went straight to Heavenly Father.  May her family have comfort and support during this difficult time.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Slow Progress But Still Progress

Well, my knee is getting a little better.  Either that or I am just getting used to the pain.  I can't stand being so limited in my mobility.  It's been 2 1/2 weeks already and it still hurts to try to bend my knee or walk on it.  I have quit using the crutches and gone back to cooking because seriously, how many corn dogs can one person stand?  I am still staying off it as much as possible and it takes very little for me to overwork it and be in a lot of pain.  Still, we must carry on!

Dani is doing really well in her piano lessons.  On Sunday she played in Primary.  Now, her and her sisters are practicing for the Maud Talent Show.  Hope that goes well for them.  They are so excited to be included.

The school year is getting so close to done.  We only have about another month left to go.  We are all ready for summer vacation!  And, Nicci is already looking forward to next year when she will get her very own Calvert box like Dani and Meli.

Tabi has a whole bunch of teeth these days.  So cute until she decides to randomly bite a finger!  And, she wants to walk so bad.  She is doing some serious cruising and I know that any day now she will build up her confidence and be gone.  Then we will really be in trouble.

Mak has been binkie free for 2 full days.  The first day was so sad as he sat in his bed crying "binkie where are you, I need you."  It was so hard to stay strong though that, but his dentist said on Tuesday that it was starting to affect his teeth so it had to go.  So far today, he hasn't asked for it at all.

We are really, really close on the house.  It may be done by end of Saturday.  I can't wait for it to be done and us to be in.  We were too crowded 2 kids ago so we are really ready!  Plus, though we have done well, the bills in two places has really brought us to a low level of financial comfort.  Not that things aren't generally tight, but 2 sets of bills has really made us feel the strain.  Glad to know it is almost over!  Now, I just have to figure out how to get the bedrooms set up and us packed and moved while hobbling around in this knee brace, lol.

There is one more thing I would like to share with you today.  I recently had the privledge of learning about an incredibly brave little girl and her family.  Avery is 5 months old and has SMA type 1.  She is not expected to make it past 18 months.  Instead of crawling into depression and screaming "why me" she and her family are making every day count.  I encourage everyone to learn more about her and this horrible condition.  Please take the time to check out her blog called Avery's Bucket List at  It is a powerful and moving testimony to the strength of her and her family.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Long Overdue Update

Wow, I have doe so incredibly bad with keeping up with my blog lately!  I hate that so much has happened without me updating.  Then again, it is because so much has been happening that I haven't updated, lol.

First, I have received my first calling within the Church.  I am Relief Society Second Counselor.  This is a huge calling especially for someone so new in the Church.  I really thought at first there must be a mistake.  Now, I realize Heavenly Father calls us to exactly where he needs us to be.  I did my first homemakers meeting which I was very worried about but it went great.  I am teaching my first RS lesson on Sunday.  I have spent much time in prayer and know I am ready.

I have gotten Nicci, Meli, and Dani enrolled in Calvert for next year.  We love the flexiblity and the curriculum.  I'm not sure we will ever go back to brick and mortar school!

Mak is a real spitfire these days.  He still insists he is the baby, refuses to even consider using the potty, and is the world's best snuggler!  Honestly, even at his worse, I wouldn't want to miss a second of it!

Tabi has decided she is real people.  She crawls super fast, has 4 teeth, eats everything, and is trying to figure out walking.  It's going way too fast!

The house still isn't quite finished.  We are close but things just seem to be stacking up against us.  I know that it will happen in its own time but I am so ready for it to be done. 

Which brings us to how I suddenly have time to update my blog.  Last week I was working on the house, hanging some blinds, general cleaning, etc.  It was raining and I saw that one of the blinds I had been cleaning was left out on the basketball slab.  I ran out there to grab it, slipped on the wet concret, and dislocated my knee.  It hurt so bad that I actually ended up in the emergency room.

Now, I am in an immobilizer, using crutches, overdoing far to often, and trying to heal.  It still hurts a lot, still keeps swelling, and is completely not cooperating.  I really planned for this to be a couple of days then back to normal.  But here I sit!  Well, at least I found time to blog!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feel the Rush

I got my new Zumba Rush in.  It is so completely different from the other one.  I love it though.  It is super fun.  And, the time flies by.  Can't wait to work out again!

We are supposed to do booth sales for Girl Scout Cookies today, but the weather is terrible!  It is cold and rainy.  Not sure I should take 5 kids out in this mess, even for sales.  Well, I better decide soon. 

I haven't been eating right and I can really feel it.  I know I have been eating more calories lately but I have way less energy.  I am back to logging food at least for a while.  It really helps me not just "taste" random calories.  I find that for me, it is the little things that really get me.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Feeling the Burn

What a week we had last week.  Super busy with dr appointments, eyeglasses, working on the house etc.  And through it all, I kept working out. 

I pre ordered the new Zumba Rush for me.  I'm so excited and can't wait to get it.  It looks like lots of fun to get into new routines and unlock new venues.  I know I don't need it but it sure is nice to be spoiled!

And now, for "feeling the burn".  This is a very bad thing!  I decided yesterday to take a shower before church (usually I'm a bath person).  Well, the shower pull thing stuck, so I figured I'll just turn the water off.  Great plan, except that the hot water was on higher than the cold.  We keep our hot water heater set really high!  I, like an idiot, leaned into the water and turned the knobs.  I burned my back so bad that it still hurts.  I can't sit back against furniture, and sleeping last night was difficult.  And, as soon as the hot water hit me I jumped and pulled every muscle in my back and abs.  I can barely move or breath without pain, so at least for today, I will be skipping the workout.  Hopefully, I'll be feeling better tomorrow and will be getting back on track.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Weighing In and Other Health Updates

So, today I weighed in at 243!  That's a good loss.  Yay!  As I said the other day, I can now wear a 20 comfortably.  I have been working out like a crazy person.  I am currently doing 45 minutes of Zumba + 15 minutes of Cardio Kickboxing every day.  The first few days I added the kickboxing, I thought I might not survive the increase, but now it's no big deal.  Yes, I am tired when I finish and I sweat hard, but I can do this! 

This week I have also been fighting a head cold so I feel about awful, but I am still working out every day!  I cannot give myself an excuse to fail. 

I also cleared all the 4x tops out of my closet as well as all bottoms and skirts that were 3x or larger and all the sloppy stretchy sweatpants and shorts that were too big.  It was hard for me because I thought what if I need them again.  Then I realized that is self sabotaging thinking!  So, out they went!

Now, this did create another issue because I have 2 pair of jeans size 22, one pair size 20, and 5 skirts 2x to xl.  This is problematic because 1) the size 22 jeans are too big (yay!) and 2) I generally run around the house, clean, etc in those sloppy sweats.  So, I guess shopping is the solution.  The problem with that is we live in a very small town and currently have no time or money in the budget for another trip into the city.  So, for now, we just make do, still wear the 22's, and do laundry often, lol.

First, our initial understanding from some other LDS members we know skewed the meaning of this covenant saying it was more about addiction than about an outright list of don't.  That is inaccurate.  Also, we initially understood that herbal tea and green tea was okay.  Also not correct.  Herbal teas are fine because they are not really tea.  I never realized that before but there is no tea in them!  We are not to have tea (from the tea leaf) in any color be it black, orange, white, green, etc. 

Also, I had a firm belief from the start that I had no addiction to coffee or tea because I didn't drink it daily.  Wrong again!  When it was suggested that I get rid of all the tea and coffee as well.  I literally started to cry!  I argued keeping it for guests.  It was countered with guests in our home would have to respect that we didn't use those things.  And, it was pointed out that if I was that upset about getting rid of the stuff, it obviously had a bigger hold on me than I thought.  I really had to spend some time in prayer with that.

Well, now there is no coffee in the house!  And the tea canister has chamomile tea (which is allowed and is actually very nice).  I also realized during this period of prayer and reflection that caffeine did have a huge hold on me.  I was drinking about 2 liters of Diet Dr Pepper every 36 hours.  Way too much.  Though I am not caffeine free, I am down to 16 oz a day.  That's a solid start.

Anyway, today's post has gotten really long, so I will close for now and I look forward to all the new developments next week brings!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hello 20!

Okay, I know not everyone would be impressed with this but I am now a size 20!  I went this weekend and got one pair of jeans and 2 skirts.  I really thought they'd be close but not yet.  Instead they fit perfect!  Now I wish I had opted to hunt for a couple of more pairs of jeans, lol. 

 When I started this I was wearing a 28.  That means so far I am down 4 sizes!  Not a terrible start if I say so myself. 

I am also getting rid of clothes as they get too big.  It helps lessen my ability to throw it on because it's comfortable then  grow back into it.  I've done that way too many times!  Tops are another issue because I am busty and a tad self conscious.  I am still wearing 3x-4x tops but I really need to buck up and clean a lot of them out!  Really, some of them look ridiculous on at this point but I worry that the smaller sizes do too. 

Oh well, one obstacle at a time.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

So Many Exciting Developments

Well, I have gotten back on track with my Zumba and love the way it makes me feel.  I found a ring today that used to fit on my pinkie and I was able to wear it on my ring finger!  Got to love that.

I also have some very exciting news about the house.  It now has appliances and some decorations up in the kitchen!  Also, my bed and dressers are in place in my room.  We are so close to done.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!  Hopefully, withing the next few weeks I will be posting pics of the completed house and annoucing a move in date.

Nicci went to the doctor this week with her first ear infection.  Poor thing even ended up with a perforated ear drum.  We had several sleepless nights but she is feeling much better now.

Mak has decided he likes the potty so maybe we are at the beginning of an easy potty training.  He is still hooked on a binkie at nearly 2 1/2.  I think we are just going to have to bite the bullit and go cold turkey.  I'll just have to pack them all up and stand strong those first few nights. 

Tabi now crawls when she wants to.  She scootches great and the last few days has actually done hands and knees forward movement!  Watch out world, here she comes!

Well, diaper duty calls.  Hope to update again soon.