Friday, March 25, 2011

Introducing the Tooth Fairy

Tonight, the tooth fairy will be visiting my house for the very first time ever!

Dani has been complaining about her teeth hurting and I kept telling her that her baby teeth would come out soon.  Two days ago I got a good look in there and saw that her adult teeth were nearly half way in behind her baby teeth!  And the baby teeth were not even a little bit loose.  So, we called the dentist.

Today, we went in and the dentist decided with her small jaw, the best course of action was to pull those front 2 teeth to allow room for the adult teeth to move into place.  Dani did so good, but afterwards worried about how she looked. 

So, now we have 2 baby teeth in a box, ready for pickup after dark.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Cradle Will Rock

Yesterday, we bought a cradle for Tabi.  I really think it's cute and I hope she likes it.  Of course, as soon as I purchase anything major I instantly start wondering if I made the right choice, lol.  I'm sure I did.  It's in terrific conditon and I got a great deal on it.  I will need to get a few more crib sheets (like the pack and play size) for it.

I think it will look better in the living room while she is small than the pack and play and our room is way too far from the living room for her to nap in there.  I know, I worry too much, but I'd rather have her close while she is so little.  It actually is an old fashioned rocking cradle, so we will have to teach the sisters and brother not to rock her too hard, lol.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finally Making Progress

I went in to see the dr again yesterday.  My numbers were still really high!  He wants me to make sure I have the diabetes educator show me how to give myself insulin injections just in case.  He also started me on Glucophage 7.5mg per day.  I take 2 at bedtime and one in the morning.  I took the first dose last night.

This morning for the first time, my fasting number was actually in the correct range!  Hooray!!!  And, so far all my tests today have been in the correct range.  I am so excited.  Hopefully this will work long term and I won't have to worry about injections.  I go see the diabetes educator tomorrow and will see the dr again next Friday.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Epic Fail on Glucose Test

It is now official: I failed my glucose test in a big, big way!  I will be testing my sugar 4 times a day and watching my diet until Tabi arrives.  I will also be seeing my doctor once a week until I get my sugar regulated and will be having extra testing as the pregnancy goes along including NST and additional ultrasounds.  Oh so much fun!

Oh well, whatever it takes to help keep Tabi healthy!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Day Without Propaganda

So, some meddling person with nothing but time on her hands, insisted that we should watch A Day Without A Mexican.  The film opens with a white woman who wakes to find her Mexican husband and son gone.  Apparently, the idea behind the film is that those American citizens who are against illegal invaders are racists who hate all Mexicans and Latinas. 

Let me make this exceedingly clear:  I have absolutely no problem with people of any race, color, or nationality.  My cousin is married to a very charming gentleman who hails from Kenya and is of a different racial background than she is.  He is a terrific person and they have beautiful children!  Throughout my life I have been friends with people from various nations and in as many shades as people come in.  I'm not against Mexicans or Mexican Americans.

That being said, I am very firmly against people who are in this country illegally!  It does not matter what country they come from, if they are not here legally then they are breaking the law.  And, I feel the same no matter what their native language is or what color their skin is.  Does that make me racist and insensitive?  I don't think so.  Illegals are a problem for a plethura of reasons including the risk of disease, possible environmental consequences, unknown criminal activity, etc.  Those who are here illegally don't pay taxes which impacts every legal citizen and immigrant.

The crazy thing to me is that if we had people dropping in from the sky with parachutes, we would dispatch our military and stop the invasion, but because they are slipping over a shared border, we are supposed to feel sorry for them and allow them to break in and steal from everyone who is here legally!  Seriously, I don't see that this film is anything other than propaganda to promote a stereotypical view that promotes the idea that anyone who disagrees with people entering the country illegally is a racist!

Friday, March 4, 2011

What A Scare!

I accidently deleted my Google account today!  For those of you who are unaware, this also deletes my blog!!  Talk about a frightening experience.  Luckily, Google was able to save me this time.  I'll be way, way more careful in the future!