Thursday, May 24, 2012

Deadline Just Ahead

We have really been working hard on the house the last couple of days.  They have been very long days but the children have handled them like champs!  We have everything turning off at the rental house on June 1.  That's right we will be sleeping in the new house in a week!  And, my little Tabi Gene will be 1.  What an exciting week.

I have spent the last 2 days sorting through about 9 million articles of clothing.  We had stuff packed up and just kept adding more, so what we owned was completely out of control.  It is amazing how many clothes one family can amass.  It was bittersweet for me.  I find that I have no shorts at all because I have lost so much weight since last summer.  Oh well, must mean I need to shop more, lol.

We got the van back, yay!  I hated that rental and am so glad to have the Uplander back.  I know this update was really brief, but I am completely wiped out.  I will try to update again soon.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Newer Not Better

We finally got the car dropped off at the repair shop yesterday.  First, it had to be cleaned out.  I had no idea there was that much stuff in there.  It took nearly an hour and I am still not sure why some of that stuff was in the car in the first place, lol.  Anyway, they said it will be at least Friday and probably early next week before the car is done. 

So, off we go to pick up the rental.  They had us the craziest locking key/remote I have ever seen to a 2012 Chrysler Town & Country.  Let me first start by saying fuel wise, it is awesome.  Even with my driving it averages better than 22mpg.  And, there is mass cargo space behind the rear seats  plus if you do have less than 5 kids, the stow & go option is nice.  Other than that, I am not a fan of the T&C.  The rear seats lean way too far back and we cannot figure out how to change that.  There is no DVD player in this rental (I thought that was practically standard issue in vehicles these days, lol.) However, it does have this huge screen that shows a backup camera when it is in reverse.  I'm sure there are tons of people who love this, but to me it seems rather confusing.  And, it has satellite radio which means I spent the whole trip home scanning to find something in a genre I liked, just to hate the selections and switch back to regular radio.  I know, both of those can be found in a wide range of vehicles and are not exclusive to the T&C.  Now, let me share the downside to that "mass cargo space".  Everything else seems so cramped!  I generally sit all kinds of stuff (purse, takeout, etc) in the passenger's floorboard of the Uplander, but found there to be very little floor space in the T&C.  And, it was tighter for the kids to get through the spaces into the back as well. 

I know these are just first impressions and the T&C may grow on me this week, but you know what they say about first impressions so I thought I'd share mine with you.

Well, I have to go figure out where to put all the stuff that came out of the Uplander yesterday and continue to hope for super fast repairs!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Get Moving

Since my knee injury I have had a really hard time going, well, everything!  I have not been able to Zumba at all and you all know how I love my Zumba.  Well, today, I managed to play some games with the girls for about 20 minutes.  Not a real workout but at least I was moving some.  I have found that it takes very little movement to get my knee screaming in protest and swelling again.  When is this going to end?  What have I done to myself? Arg!

We did get a call yesterday on the van authorizing repairs and a rental car during the repairs.  I am so glad we will be handling that soon.  It is scheduled for drop off on Monday.  And, until then, we can't drive it if we may be after dark.  Last night we were pulled over and told the van now has no tail lights.  How is that even possible?  And, the onboard computer is also saying the left turn signal and the parking lights are out (but has not mentioned the tail lights, lol).  I am seriously beginning to wonder how "minor" this whole thing really was as the trouble keeps mounting.  My drivers window is also acting funny, my dash makes a funny noise, and a door rattles.  And, no, none of this was going on before the accident.  Hopefully, it all gets worked out.

And, on that note, the children think I should make lunch today.  Didn't I just do that yesterday?  I guess the demands never end, lol.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Knee Deep

I finally got back over to the new house on Monday and set up Mak's room.  It is still missing a dresser and his rocking horse, but he liked it so much that he had a fit when I told him we had to go.  Poor fella! 

Anyway, my knee has been killing me every since then.  All the progress I thought had been made seemed to evaporate.  I am back to taking Tylenol and trying to rest enough to be on the go this weekend.  We are supposed to go to the zoo on Saturday and I don't want to disappoint the crew.

School is almost over for the year.  I'm glad too because Dani has absolutely decided not to work.  Meli finished math for the year today and I think she will get the rest done tomorrow.  Dani took more than half a day on 3 math pages.  Arg!  I told her if she doesn't start doing her work she is going to be in school until next August when school starts again.

We are just 23 days from Tabi's first birthday.  How time has flown.  I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Still haven't heard anything solid on the van yet.  I hate having it messed up!

Well, I have dishes and Girl Scouts so I better get going.  I'll update again soon.

Friday, May 4, 2012

How Much For A Bump?

So, I went and got an estimate on repairs today.  First quote = $1564.27!  Really?  It's a bumper, a light, and a dented hood.  What is that Uplander made of anyway?  And of course, we are looking at replacing the car seats because that's what insurance, etc recommends.  They look fine but better safe than sorry later, right?  How does $200 to $356 sound?  OMG, what do they make car seats out of?  But, in all fairness, I need to replace 4 so I guess that's not too bad.  The police say the accident report won't be ready until next Thursday, but my totally fantastic State Farm agent is already working to help me get this resolved.  How completely great is that?  Well, we will see what next week brings as far as news on the car.  At least it is mostly cosmetic (my left turn signal doesn't work so that is a little mechanical) and no one was hurt.  Plus, the car is still completely driveable so thank goodness for that.  It is so hard for us to function with one car (kudos to all those who do it every day!).

On an unrelated note, we are now getting rid of all our rated R (or NC17) movies.  Wow, I never realized we had so many.  Well, it's a good cleansing.  I still need to get into the habit of spending more time reading my scriptures each day.  I know it's important so I really will try.  We now do family prayer mornings and evenings.  I love coming together in prayer to start and end the day. 

The house is really moving right along.  We got the fence up and Monday I will be cleaning and setting up Mak's room.  We really fell behind when I messed up my knee (it still hurts but I have to get things done, so, on we go).  We are so close but this last little bit seems to be taking FOREVER!  Oh well, it will so be worth it when it is finally done.  And, this is the last time I ever plan to move so it makes sense to make sure everything is just right.

Okay, enough for now.  For some reason the children think they need dinner and that I need to cook it.  I'm sure one day I'll miss them needing me so I better enjoy it while I can.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Smashing Day

Well, today was a roller coaster day.  First, the girls (Dani, Meli, and Nicci) were in a local talent show.  Dani played her keyboard and all 3 girls sang I Am a Child of God.  They did great and I was so very proud of them.  The talent show was long though with getting there at 12:30 and the last act leaving the stage at 3:10.  So by the time it was over, all the kids were tired (Tabi and Mak had missed a nap!) and ready to go home.  It's only a few blocks so how long could it take, right?

Well, I needed to stop by the new house for a second to grab something, then I headed for home.  I was about 3 blocks from the house when a young driver pulled across my lane way.  She was way too close for me to stop in time!  I swerved but still managed to hit her near her rear passenger tire.  Arg!  Then, of course, I moved the car before the police arrived since the rear was still sticking out into the road and all 5 kids were inside.  I know I shouldn't have moved, but my first though was what if someone else hits the van. 

So, those quick 3 blocks home took over an hour and added a trip to the body shop to tomorrow's schedule to get an estimate on the repairs. Luckily, the car still runs and no one was hurt so it is just an inconvience and cosmetic damage, but it still is frustrating. Here is the damage:


Hopefully, I'll come home tomorrow with good news of quick repairs! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back in Heavenly Father's Arms

I mentioned in my post a few days ago about Avery and her Bucket List.  Well, she passed away yesterday afternoon.  I cried when I read the news.  There were just 24 short days from the time her family received her diagnosis to her last breath.  She was such a beautiful little girl.  I'm sure her family will miss her greatly as will anyone who was following her story.  The plus side is that she went straight to Heavenly Father.  May her family have comfort and support during this difficult time.