Saturday, July 30, 2011

A New Scale On the Matter

Yesterday, I was upset that I gained 3 lbs while we were "on vacation".  The most amazing thing has happened!  Either, I lost 4 lbs in 24 hours or there is something to be said for always using the same scale.  I am going to believe it is more likely the latter.  So, I'm not going to freak out over what the new scale says.  I'm just going to look for consistent loss on it.  I am keeping my ticker based on the new scale, but I'm not going to stress if I go to the dr, health club, etc and it weighs me in at higher than I way at home.

Also, I am really working on portion sizes, calorie counting, and exercising.  Since I find it highly unlikely that I will be carrying a food scale along with  measuring cups and spoons everytime I leave the house, I am trying to use my personal measuring device (my hand) paired with some info I learned from Rachel Ray (really helps in measuring salad dressing and other liquids).  So far, I am doing really well with this since when I check myself at home I am always extremely close.

We took the kids to the Oklahoma Science Museum today and paired that with the Hibachi Grill for dinner.  By making good choices I was able to have the entire meal eating until I was full and including strawberry ice cream for dessert while still staying within my calorie goal for today.  And, that was even before I added in my exercise. 

So far I have stayed under my 1320 calories for 2 consecutive days and burned an additional 1098 calories with exercise!  According to, where I am tracking exercise and calories, if I stay on my current path, I should be under 240 within 5 weeks.  That is about 3.5 lbs a week.  I know that may not sound like much to a lot of people, but that's a big change for me.  Really, anything where the scale goes down is a big change.  I know that if I plan to keep the weight off long term, I've got to do it the right way and make real changes.  No fasting/starving/binging.  Just slow and steady steps forward.  If I keep up the current pace and the projection is accurate, I should be able to hit my goal in about 34 weeks.  That means by next Spring, I could be rocking a whole new wardrobe.  I can hardly wait until Monday when I check my weight again for the official record on my ticker.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Ups of Vacation

This past week, we went on vacation.  We took the kids to Jellystone Park at Lake Eufaula.  They had a blast!

We rented a cabin (about as cheap as any hotel we stay at) and it included our passes to the park.  There was a floating slide, trampoline, and play area in the lake, kayaks, paddle boats, a swimming pool, mini golf, shuffleboard, and fire truck rides.  Of course, Yogi showed up as well which just sent the kids right over the edge!

Now for the other "up" side of vacation.  I paid little to no attention to what I ate.  I kept the soda diet but indulged in ranch dressing, fried foods, cream sauces, etc.  So, as of today which is my first weigh in since 7/15, I am up 3 lbs!  Yikes!  I guess I needed the "there is no vacation from healthier eating" lesson.  Thankfully, I bought me a scale last night so I can stay on top of it from here on out.  I am also increasing my physical activity as of today so hopefully I'll see those 3 come back off and take some neighbors with them!  And, I have adjusted my weight loss goal overall.  I am now aiming for 140 as it is the top end on like 15 websites for my height.  I have adjusted my ticker accordingly and hope to see that butterfly take off in the next few weeks.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

One Week & 5 Pounds Down

So although I only blogged about it a couple of days ago, I started my journey just over a week ago.  I had my weight checked at my 6w check up, and I have lost 5 pounds in 8 days!  I know it may not sound like much to some, but it is a great first step and helps me stay motivated which is so important right now in these early days.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

An Entirely New Journey

I have debated and debated with myself as to whether or not I was going to share this journey on my blog or just keep it private.  I have decided to take the bold step of putting this out there so perhaps I can encourage someone else.

As many of you know, I had gestational diabetes with Tabi.  Well, my numbers are not returning to normal like they did after I had Mak.  They are in what is considered the "pre diabetic" range.  I don't to be a diabetic based on poor eating habits and lifestyle choices.  I have made a firm commitment to lose the extra weight for me and for my family.

The day before Tabi was born, I weighed in at 274.  As of 7/7 I was at 259.  I'm only 5'3 so the very most I should be at is 150.  So, that's my goal. 

I started by making some small changes and as of today I am counting calories, fat grams, carbs, etc.  The app I am using suggested a 1320 calorie a day diet.  Honestly, there is no way I can do that (yet).  First, I have probably  been consuming way closer to 6000 calories a day until last week.  Second, I am breastfeeding so that drastic of a change would likely effect my milk supply. 

I did watch portion sizes closer today which I have never done before and made a few initial observations. Like for instance, cheese is not my friend.  Neither are hot dogs.  And portions of most things are way smaller than I thought they were.  My initial changes have been to cut regular soda, sugar and syrups from my coffee, and mayo completely.  I have also increased my water intake a lot. 

Tomorrow, I have my 6 week follow up with my OB.  If I get the all clear, I plan to join a wellness center in the next few weeks and start taking belly dancing classes.  I am also thinking about trying Zumba since everyone seems to love it so much.  I have added my weight loss ticker as a picture so there is a constant goal in mind. 

Wish me luck on my new journey!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Way To Grow Baby!

Tabi's dr appointment went so well yesterday.  She is up to 9lb 5 oz and 23.25".  She put on 2" and 12oz in a week!  No more weigh ins!  Good job baby girl.  Also, no more tests.  She just took a while to get started gaining.  She now is appointment free until she reaches her 2m checkup.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Drs Make Me Crazy!

I swear the medical community is trying to make me crazy! Tabi had her one month check up today and now I'm on pins and needles. She started out with a tongue tie that created latch issues, then she went through a period of not wanting to wake up to eat. By 8d she was down to 8lb 1 oz. I met with her dr and a lactation consultant and we got her back on track, or so I thought! She figured out latching and she eats every 2-3 hours for 10-15 minutes each side so I figured we were good. Plus we are getting plenty of wet/dirty diapers. No reason to be concerned in my point of view. Then we had today's weigh in at 8lb 9oz. That is still 8oz below her birth weight!

They said her heart and breathing sound fine, and her metabolic screening came back normal. We are now working to rule out other causes for her not to be gaining. Today we started with a urine catch to rule out kidney issues and she is supposed to be getting every other feeding with breastmilk mixed with formula from a bottle. The dr did say if she starts rejecting nursing, to stop the bottles and we will recheck weight in a week. Hopefully, she will be gaining better, her kidneys will be fine, and there will be no need for more tests. I'll update more next week.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's Been Too Long

I cannot believe how long it has been since I updated!  Things have been so busy around here that everything has gotten pushed aside lately.  Let me give a short recap of everything that has been going on.

First, Dani has been enrolled in an online charter school for next year.  She is really excited about going to school at home and taking lots of field trips, lol.  I have to admit that I am a bit nervous about it, but I'm sure it will be fine.

Second, Tabi has of course arrived.  She was born at 9:46am on June 1, 2011.  She weighed in at a hefty 9lb 1 oz and 21" long.  She was born with what at first appearance seemed to be a slight tongue tie.  She seemed to nurse okay those first couple of days so we had planned to leave it alone.  Then on day three when my milk came in, she couldn't latch.  At 5 days she ended up getting the tie clipped.  The dr could barely get his fingers under to clip it.  It then took us almost another 2 weeks to figure out how to latch, so needless to say, at times breastfeeding has been difficult and painful.  She now nurses like a champ though and I hope to see good growth at her check up on Tuesday.

We also had a very special opporunity for my step son who is 15 to come stay with us for a couple of weeks!  We have never gotten to do this before and it was a really emotional time.  Tabi was less than 2 weeks old when we picked him up.  We spent the next 12 days trying to show him everything!  The experience caused a lot of mixed emotions.  It was exciting, scary, fun, stressful, relaxed, tense, and more all at the same time.  Occationally, tempers flaired and tears rained.  Overall, it went pretty well and we are hoping to have more extended visits in the future.

I feel bad that I have let my updates go for so long and I do promise to try to do better in the future.  For now, I'm going to call it a night.