Monday, October 27, 2014

An Amazing Weekend

The past couple of weeks have been fall break/fall intercession around here.  That means I spent a week completely over scheduling the kids trying to get everything in on their days out of school.  Nightmare level exhaustion! 

The break ended with an unforgettable marathon of a weekend.  First, Dani got into an altercation at school that ended with her arm being checked out in the ER.  Another child was unkind about her beliefs, and being young she was not as well equipped to handle it as I would have liked.  It quickly escalated into name calling and then she tried to hit him.  She missed and he pinned and twisted her arm in response.  Everyone is fine (dr says mild sprain for Dani) and we have done a lot of talking and trying to learn how to better handle conflict.  Of course, this was not a one time thing between her and this boy.  They have been at war since Pre K and I am constantly working with the school on how to help them stay apart.

My best friend and her oldest son were baptized on Saturday and confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday!  Her beautiful and amazing daughter had already been baptized in September.  It was such an emotional weekend.

In addition, we also had Fall Social Saturday evening and a Chili Cook-off.  I was thrilled to take first place with my chili!  The kids all got to dress up and participate in Trunk or Treat as well.  That was such a blessing for Nicci as she will be serving as the flower girl during John  Marshall's Homecoming game this Friday instead of doing the whole Trick or Treat thing this year.  She is really excited but she is also 6 so I know she would have been disappointed to miss candy altogether.

Today I have several sick kids at home.  Hopefully it's mostly just exhaustion from being too busy too many days in a row and everyone will be back on track tomorrow.  I am supposed to go for my Temple Recommend Interview at the Stake Center tomorrow.  Hard to believe it's been nearly 2 years since we were sealed together as a family.  I'm glad we have Eternity because this life is flying by too fast!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Long Time No Blog

Wow, I can hardly believe how long it has been since I wrote on here.  So many things have changed since my last post.  Of course, not everything has changed.  Let's get an update going, shall we?

My knee still hurts all the time.  I have pretty well accepted it is permanent and made modifications in my life to compensate.   I'm still a plus size mom.  Not really that big of a surprise either as I have been plus size since Jr High more than 25 years ago.  I have made some dietary modifications. The gaining has stopped and the scale has come down some, but more importantly, I am comfortable with who I am.  That is so critical and I wish it hadn't taken me the better part of 36 years to figure it out.  You know what made the biggest impact?  I stopped weighing.  Really, completely stopped.  I quit  berating myself over every ounce.  I stopped waiting until I was that "goal" size to buy clothes that fit and made me happy.  I wear what I like at my size and it really has helped change my attitude about the whole process.

I still have six little ones running around everywhere.  The oldest has reached 9 and the youngest is 18 months.  Before anyone asks if I am done, I still don't know.  I trust that Heavenly Father will guide me in this.  When my youngest was born, my OB said I was fine to have more.  I don't actively try to become pregnant or to avoid it.  If I am supposed to have more, I will.  If not, I won't.  Simple.

  This has encouraged me to ever strive to be a better parent to my children.  I won't lie, I'm still far from perfect, some days so far from it I can barely see there has been progress.  Still, I keep trying.  Until I stop, I haven't failed no matter how many set backs there have been.

All of the kids that are old enough are in public school this year.  It allows me time to focus and spend time with the little ones individually.  It also lets me focus more on enjoying time with the kids in general and not always focusing on curriculum and progress.  It was a difficult decision to make, but I really feel it was the right one.

And, I am working some.  I have started doing some freelance writing and research which I am enjoying immensely.  It has encouraged me to write again for me as well as for work. I hadn't realized how much I missed it until I started doing it again.  So, hopefully, this will be the first posting of much more regular writing.

Anyway, I have so many things to do today and so many memories to make while they are still little.  I leave you for now praying for peace and blessings for you and yours.