Monday, August 26, 2013

Things Have Gotten Out of Control

Okay, I am going to approach a couple of subjects that I have been avoiding like the plague!

First there is the subject of my knee.  As many know, in April of 2012, I fell on my knee.  I thought at the time no big deal.  I figured in a couple of weeks, I'd be good as new.  I was incredibly wrong!  I suffer from extreme pain every single day.  I can barely walk.  The swelling is so bad I can hardly bend my knee at times.  And, I am part of the in between so I have no insurance.  Because of that, I have continue to use my damaged knee until the damage is likely permanent.  We are trying to come up with compensating factors to help.  I frequently use a cane, I try to limit walking in general, and I take more Tylenol each week to try to stave off the intensive pain.  And, I cry, a lot.

Because of all of these things, I have been angry, bitter, and depressed.   Which leads me to the second subject.  Since every movement hurts, I don't work out at all anymore, and since I am depressed, I eat.  I am currently nearly 300 pounds!  I haven't been this heavy in a long, long time.  My clothes don't fit.  I wear pajamas and try to avoid leaving the house as much as possible.  But I realize this is not helping me.  It's a vicious cycle I have gotten into.  The more I weigh, the more stress it puts on my knee.  The more stress I put on my knee, the more it hurts.  The more it hurts, the less I do.  And, the less I do, the more I weigh!  So, obviously, something has got to be done.

Today is day one of a serious diet.  Unlike before were I still pretty well ate what I wanted and lost weight because I could exercise off the calories, now I have to stick to a low-cal diet if I want to get rid of the pounds.  I know this is going to be tough, but I hate the way I look and feel right now so something has to be done.  I have added a weight loss ticker back to the top of my page, and I will be logging bites again to track calories so I can get this weight off!

Hopefully, between the loss of weight and the mobility modifications, I can live life again instead of sitting on the side lines and crying.  Yesterday we took the kids to the zoo.  We spent the extra money to rent a motorized scooter for me.  It's the first time in nearly 18 months that we were there long enough to enjoy the zoo.  And, I was able to enjoy being there with my kids.  Best $25 we ever spent, lol.

I am praying that admitting my struggles will give me the strength to overcome them.