Friday, April 26, 2013

Finally Admitted I'm a Twit

Okay, I couldn't resist the title.  I have actually finally joined Twitter.  I know shocking that it took so long.  I'm @HQBArctophile if anyone wants to find me.

On another note, I am still trying to wait patiently for Monday to get here.  No matter what the news, some answers from the Audiologist on Al are better than not knowing for sure.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Still Trying To Wrap My Mind Around It

I haven't updated sooner because I have still been trung to come to terms with Al's latest dr experience.  We took him in for the more intensive hearing test on 4/12.  This one was done by an audiologist and lasted 45 minutes.  It also included a tympanometry test.  While I was fulling expecting him to pass with flying colors, instead he failed the test in both ears. 

I'll tell you the truth, I started to cry.  Anyway.  He has yet another even longer and more intensive hearing test on 4/29.  We should "know" more after that test.  But honestly, I think I already know what the results will be.  I still can't bring myself to say "those words" but, Al does not react to loud or unusual sounds around him.  No matter how much you talk to him, it does not seem to calm or comfort him at all.  He loves to be held and cuddled though.

I am still praying for different results.  I know that Al can still have a totally full and normal life, and I know there is still a chance that we will get results different than expected.  I'll update more when we "know" more.  For now, we just watch and wait.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Planning Ahead is Hard on the Heart

So, with all the recent craziness in our lives,  I have made out a will, requested a friend as guardian for our children, and I have written a letter to the kids as well.  I know it was the responsible thing to do, but it was so incredibly difficult.  I hate even thinking about anything possibly happening to me I while the babies are still babies.  At the same time, we would hate for something to happen and them to be set adrift with no clear thought out plan of what would become of them.  And, because there are 6 of them now, it takes a special caregiver to agree to take them all.  Anyway, I can't really say much more about it or I will be in tears again. 

I would like this post to serve as a public service announcement to any parent who reads my blog, I know it's tough to do, but make sure you have those papers in order in case of the unimaginable.  I know I will rest easier in my heart knowing that in that situation, my children will be taken care of.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Albrecht is Here!

Albrecht had his own schedule set up which threw things into a complete tailspin around here. This is our story:

As many of you know, I started having contractions on 3/12. They were what the dr deemed "non-progressive labor." That means, they were consistant but not increasing and not really making any changes in dialation etc. It was miserable. On 3/19 we went into OKC (about an hour from home but where my dr is located) to do some last minute shopping for the kids for things they might want while they were with the sitter. Things went fine but I was really tired all day. About 7pm we went to have dinner at one of my fovorite Chinese places. Let me say, dinner with 5 kids is always a slow affair. About 8 just as we where finishing up, all of the sudden it felt like something stabbed me in the center of my back. Not lower back, but actually the middle. In a minute it passed, but about 10 minutes later it started again.

I said it was fine, I was just super tired and needed to get home and get some rest. It was decided since we were already in the City, we should go ahead and call the dr. As luck would have it, my dr was on call. He agreed that since I was only 5 miles from the hospital it would be best to be checked out. So, thinking it was much to do about nothing, I went in. Imagine my suprise when I was dialated to a 3! At 38w 2d and being so far out with steadier and getting closer contractions, it was decided that it was indeed baby time.

We called the sitter and had her come into OKC to pick up the other kids. Because I was a csection, I was given some medicine to help neutralize stomach acid and encourage my digestion to speed along. Right after the sitter picked up the kids, I was taken to the OR.

Albrecht arrived at 12:41 am on 3/20/13. He was 8lb 11oz and 20". His initial APGAR score was only a 6 as he was retracting. NICU was called in but he stabilized quickly and his second APGAR was a 9. It took a long time for them to get me put back together but inside everything still looked good so we did not go through with the tubal.  Al's blood sugar was very low though we are unsure as to why. It ended up dropping down to 21 before we could get it back up. And, his hands and feet were very, very blue. They assured us it was not a cause for concern but of course, we still worried until it began to improve around day 2. He still has some blue cast in his feet, but nothing like it was.

Also, he has now failed the newborn hearing screening twice. At this point, he does not seem to hear out of his right ear. Again, we have been told not to worry as it does not necessarily mean a hearing loss and could just be fluid. We have been referred to a specialist for more extensive testing that will be scheduled around 1m.

So, we finally got home late Friday evening. I have been put on modified bed rest because we are having some issues with my incision opening up a little. We had to take Albrecht back in on Monday to get his referal started for his hearing. When we went in, we noticed that Albrecht was very, very yellow. That resulted in him being re-admitted to the hospital and placed under the bililights for 24 hours. It absolutely broke my heart to see him with the blinders on being poked and prodded to monitor his biliruben levels. But, at last we are home, I am still supposed to be on bedrest, and Albrecht is doing well. I swear, this is the child that will finally turn my hair grey, lol. I will try to keep you guys updated as we find out more about his hearing.