Thursday, January 20, 2011

Seriously Stressed!

 Yesterday I got a message on my machine saying that they needed to repeat the anatomical US on Tabitha and they needed it done before my next dr's appointment.  I just had it done a week ago!  I called and they scheduled me for Feb 4th at 1:45 but told me I'd have to call the dr's office to find out why it was requested.  So I called yesterday about 3:45 and left a message.  They didn't call back and now because of ice hitting the area, their office isn't open today!  I am going crazy with worry and what if and can't possibly find out what is going on until at least Friday!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Premiering in June

First, I finally got my van back.  It cost way too much because it needed tired to go with the nearly $1300 in repairs, but I'm back on the road.

Of course, the big news:  we had our big ultrasound yesterday.  Tabitha Gene looks perfect!  They estimated her weight at 12oz.  Most of her measurements are 19w 1d (right with estimated due date) but her arms and legs are so long that they measure a full week ahead, lol.  She was very active and had a great heartbeat.  I can't wait to meet her! 
Of course, I have gotten rid of all my girl stuff, so it looks clothes shopping is in our future.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Getting Hot

Friday I had a checkup.  Stinkerbug was once again stubborn and difficult to get, but we did finally get to hear the hearbeat with the doppler.  Hopefully, I'll get more cooperation on Wednesday and will be able to post gender and name!

I started running a fever yesterday afternoon of around 102.5.  I took some tylenol and as of today it is down to 100.4 which is a definate improvement.  Hopefully, this is the entire sick and not the beginning of it.

They are supposed to be working on the car today so maybe I'll have it back in a day or two.  I really hate being without a car.

Well, that's the brief update.  My head is pounding again so I think it's time for more Tylenol and less computer.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

And the Waiting Continues

I have been waiting since Monday to hear back from the insurance company.  Last night for the first time in 3 days, I was able to swing by the new house, just to find that a message had been left on Tuesday saying the repair had been approved...but they wanted to use a salvaged gas tank instead of a new one.
Will the tank won't be as good as a new one, plus what if it has sand or debris in it?  Will the insurance pay for repairs caused by a used tank?  If it makes no difference in what our rate increase will be, there is no reason not to get the new part.

So, again we wait.  I have to stand by to hear  on whether they can go ahead with the repairs using the used parts or if we can get new parts.  Hopefully, I'll have my car back soon.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Cost of Driving Home

We finally got the estimate on the car today.  We are looking at right at $2200 in damages.  Our insurance will cover all but the $500 deductible, but my rates are definately going the be effected.  Currently we get a discount for being accident free, which we will lose, as well as the increase in premiums. 

The insurance company says we should have approval in 24 hours to start repairs.  I hate being without a car, so I hope this all goes fast!  I am ready to get my car back.