Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm a Convert

So, I started my first undertaking with homeschool this year.  I decided to try it just with Dani and see how it went.  We are loving it!  So much so in fact, that I enrolled Meli in the same program last week.  We are now a brick and mortar free homeschool family!  Meli got her access today to the learning portal we use for Calvert and I picked up her belongings from the schoo where she started the year.  Until her curriculum comes in we will be doing mostly online activities and some printouts.  I am so excited to have my girls back at home.  I think this will be a permanent change and that next year Nicci will officially homeschool as well.  I think I'm done with brick and mortar school for a while!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Weigh In :(

Weigh in today went about as expected.  I gained 3 lbs last week, ugh!  That puts me back up to 249.  I know it has everything to do with my lack of exercise because I didn't really eat any differently.  I have to get back on track!  I was really lazy this week with the long weekend and Dani starting school.  Yesterday was the first time I worked out at all since last Friday and then I only did about 15 minutes.  Lesson learned: exercise is a must.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm A Homeschool Mom

So, I haven't been on much this week.  A few things have happened.  First, Dani started homeschool.  We LOVE it!  She's doing great and reading way above the stuff for class.  She has been tearing through Junie B. books.  I really think they are below her level but Junie and her are both in first grade so she must read them, lol.  We are doing library day once a week.  I am hoping to start going in on Wednesday so Nicci and Mak can listen to story time.

On the down side, I am dreading weigh in tomorrow.  It's been a week of too many carbs and not enough exercise.  In fact, right now I'm in workout clothes but on the computer.  I know, bad girl!  I am keeping my fingers crossed that I just stayed the same and haven't gained.  The scale will tell!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Weighing In Good, Everything Else Bad!

First for the good news.  I weighed in today at 246.  That's another 2lb loss!  I love seeing those numbers go down.  I was very worried about it today because I haven't exercised enough this week.  I was doing 45-60m a day last week, this week I've done 10-20m most days.  Still had good results.  That does not excuse me from not exercising as much and I am trying to get back on track.

Now, for the rest of the day so far.  This moring right after breakfast, Dani got stung on her foot by a scorpion.  This started immediate freak out mode!  Fortunately, the scorpions in Oklahoma are not generally dangerous to people and her reaction was mild.  Cool water, tylenol, and hydrocortizone along with a movie seemed to fix it right up.  Even now, the swelling and redness are much better.

Next on the list, I open my laptop and hear a huge pop.  I look around and realize my hinge has broken, screws missing (found them inside casing when I moved it), etc.  Now I can't close it at all and if I move it wrong, the screen falls completely flat backwards!  This is the same machine that I just spent hours reloading after it black screened last week.  Since then, the screen does this crazy blue line pattern when it boots and boots super slow.  I don't have computer money in the budget right now so I'm trying to make this work, but I'm not sure how long it will last anyway.  I am backing everything up daily especially with this newest issue and praying that I can use this until a new one is in the budget.  ARG!!!

Well, I need to get lunch in the kids as I still have errands this afternoon.  Hopefully, I've had enough for today and the rest of the day will be wonderful.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Homeschool Here We Come

Dani got her boxes of supplies from Calvert yesterday.  We also have our online access now.  I was looking through all her materials today, making sure everything was there, etc.  I reached the point of looking at this stuff and saying "what was I thinking!"  Needless to say, I'm a little nervous about how this is all going to work.  We officially start on Tuesday.  I'm sure it will be great once we get going, but right now, I'm wondering if I can really do this.  We have already made a library day so we get to do that every week.  I'm a little unsure of what PE is going to be like still, but I'm sure we'll figure it out along the way.  I'll let you know after our first day how it went.