Saturday, January 12, 2013

Following Promptings

I have done so poorly about updating my blog lately!  I better get better at this.  Let's start with some updates:

Mak is a potty training champ!  He is even staying dry at night.  Our biggest obstacle has been learning not to tinkle on ourselves when we use the regular potty.  Last night we had our first victory at that!  I haven't even approached the stand and aim idea yet, but he does super good sitting.

I have felt prompted to make getting completely our of debt a top priority.  It will mean some sacrifices, but I know that in the end it will be well worth it!  Currently, we have no mortgage on the house, but we have a huge amount of credit card debt, and a note on our van.  We believe that with some hard work, we can be debt free in 3 years.  So, that is our new goal.  Our first hurdle will be taking our tax refund and using it to pay off some debt instead of as play money.  And, we will also be tightening our budget and trying to put some into savings every month.  This is something we have never done!   I will try to keep you updated on our progress.  Perhaps that will help keep me on track?