Friday, April 20, 2012

Slow Progress But Still Progress

Well, my knee is getting a little better.  Either that or I am just getting used to the pain.  I can't stand being so limited in my mobility.  It's been 2 1/2 weeks already and it still hurts to try to bend my knee or walk on it.  I have quit using the crutches and gone back to cooking because seriously, how many corn dogs can one person stand?  I am still staying off it as much as possible and it takes very little for me to overwork it and be in a lot of pain.  Still, we must carry on!

Dani is doing really well in her piano lessons.  On Sunday she played in Primary.  Now, her and her sisters are practicing for the Maud Talent Show.  Hope that goes well for them.  They are so excited to be included.

The school year is getting so close to done.  We only have about another month left to go.  We are all ready for summer vacation!  And, Nicci is already looking forward to next year when she will get her very own Calvert box like Dani and Meli.

Tabi has a whole bunch of teeth these days.  So cute until she decides to randomly bite a finger!  And, she wants to walk so bad.  She is doing some serious cruising and I know that any day now she will build up her confidence and be gone.  Then we will really be in trouble.

Mak has been binkie free for 2 full days.  The first day was so sad as he sat in his bed crying "binkie where are you, I need you."  It was so hard to stay strong though that, but his dentist said on Tuesday that it was starting to affect his teeth so it had to go.  So far today, he hasn't asked for it at all.

We are really, really close on the house.  It may be done by end of Saturday.  I can't wait for it to be done and us to be in.  We were too crowded 2 kids ago so we are really ready!  Plus, though we have done well, the bills in two places has really brought us to a low level of financial comfort.  Not that things aren't generally tight, but 2 sets of bills has really made us feel the strain.  Glad to know it is almost over!  Now, I just have to figure out how to get the bedrooms set up and us packed and moved while hobbling around in this knee brace, lol.

There is one more thing I would like to share with you today.  I recently had the privledge of learning about an incredibly brave little girl and her family.  Avery is 5 months old and has SMA type 1.  She is not expected to make it past 18 months.  Instead of crawling into depression and screaming "why me" she and her family are making every day count.  I encourage everyone to learn more about her and this horrible condition.  Please take the time to check out her blog called Avery's Bucket List at  It is a powerful and moving testimony to the strength of her and her family.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Long Overdue Update

Wow, I have doe so incredibly bad with keeping up with my blog lately!  I hate that so much has happened without me updating.  Then again, it is because so much has been happening that I haven't updated, lol.

First, I have received my first calling within the Church.  I am Relief Society Second Counselor.  This is a huge calling especially for someone so new in the Church.  I really thought at first there must be a mistake.  Now, I realize Heavenly Father calls us to exactly where he needs us to be.  I did my first homemakers meeting which I was very worried about but it went great.  I am teaching my first RS lesson on Sunday.  I have spent much time in prayer and know I am ready.

I have gotten Nicci, Meli, and Dani enrolled in Calvert for next year.  We love the flexiblity and the curriculum.  I'm not sure we will ever go back to brick and mortar school!

Mak is a real spitfire these days.  He still insists he is the baby, refuses to even consider using the potty, and is the world's best snuggler!  Honestly, even at his worse, I wouldn't want to miss a second of it!

Tabi has decided she is real people.  She crawls super fast, has 4 teeth, eats everything, and is trying to figure out walking.  It's going way too fast!

The house still isn't quite finished.  We are close but things just seem to be stacking up against us.  I know that it will happen in its own time but I am so ready for it to be done. 

Which brings us to how I suddenly have time to update my blog.  Last week I was working on the house, hanging some blinds, general cleaning, etc.  It was raining and I saw that one of the blinds I had been cleaning was left out on the basketball slab.  I ran out there to grab it, slipped on the wet concret, and dislocated my knee.  It hurt so bad that I actually ended up in the emergency room.

Now, I am in an immobilizer, using crutches, overdoing far to often, and trying to heal.  It still hurts a lot, still keeps swelling, and is completely not cooperating.  I really planned for this to be a couple of days then back to normal.  But here I sit!  Well, at least I found time to blog!