Monday, February 25, 2013

The Convience of Shopping Online

So this is my story of Site to Store shopping to the Seminole OK Walmart as we know the entire point of online shopping is the convience:

I am more than a little frustrated at this point.  It took 2 trips to pick up my new purple crock pot as the lady at site to store told me it wasn't in the first time.  I then called back and another person told me it was in.  So, we return to the store the next day (it's about 25 miles round trip for us) to be told it wasn't there again.  I insisted that they double check.  Sure enough, it was there.  Finally get it home, and guess what?  It's damaged.  One of the rivets on the foot is broken off already.  That means repacking it and a 3rd 25 mile trip and an alternate plan for dinner tonight as I crock pot cook a lot! 

Also, when I picked up the climber for the kids the day before, there was a large hole in the side of the box. I am hoping that nothing fell out and the item is complete (as assembly is required). Plus, the stocker that helped take the climber to the car was dressed in a tshirt that read "I'm pretty good at drinking beer". I'm sure that is just the corporate image Walmart wants to project!

This is not the first issue I have had with site to store at this location.  It is extremely frustrating to deal with!  At Christmas, my sister ordered a swing for my children and had it shipped site to store as well.  When I arrived to pick it up, it couldn't be found.  They said the only thing they could do was refund the money to my sister and let her reorder.  Instead I had my sister send us a gift card for the purchase price and the kids got a picture of a gift for Christmas because thanks to the Seminole OK store, there was no swing.  

 Every time I try to pick something up at this location it takes forever!  I have been told under no circumstances am I to order anything else to the Seminole store.  This is so ridiculous!  The next closest store is in Shawnee and about 40 miles round trip for us! I thought shopping online and picking up in store was supposed to make buying from Walmart easier.  I have found it to be anything but.  Very disappointing!

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