Friday, September 2, 2011

Weighing In Good, Everything Else Bad!

First for the good news.  I weighed in today at 246.  That's another 2lb loss!  I love seeing those numbers go down.  I was very worried about it today because I haven't exercised enough this week.  I was doing 45-60m a day last week, this week I've done 10-20m most days.  Still had good results.  That does not excuse me from not exercising as much and I am trying to get back on track.

Now, for the rest of the day so far.  This moring right after breakfast, Dani got stung on her foot by a scorpion.  This started immediate freak out mode!  Fortunately, the scorpions in Oklahoma are not generally dangerous to people and her reaction was mild.  Cool water, tylenol, and hydrocortizone along with a movie seemed to fix it right up.  Even now, the swelling and redness are much better.

Next on the list, I open my laptop and hear a huge pop.  I look around and realize my hinge has broken, screws missing (found them inside casing when I moved it), etc.  Now I can't close it at all and if I move it wrong, the screen falls completely flat backwards!  This is the same machine that I just spent hours reloading after it black screened last week.  Since then, the screen does this crazy blue line pattern when it boots and boots super slow.  I don't have computer money in the budget right now so I'm trying to make this work, but I'm not sure how long it will last anyway.  I am backing everything up daily especially with this newest issue and praying that I can use this until a new one is in the budget.  ARG!!!

Well, I need to get lunch in the kids as I still have errands this afternoon.  Hopefully, I've had enough for today and the rest of the day will be wonderful.

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