Monday, August 27, 2012

My Own Miracle Experiance

It has taken a little while for me to be able to share this, but I have witnessed a true miracle!  Let me apologize in advance if this seems a little disconjointed as it was a very emotional day. 

It all started last Tuesday.  I had the kids playing in the horse tank (we use it as a wading pool as so many in our area do).  Mak, of course, was not swimming but all the girls were.  And as usual, Tabi was in her US Coast Guard approved life vest.  I stepped inside the back door to grab a bucket of sidewalk chalk then  stepped back out and told the girls everyone out of the water.  I saw girls tumbling out, Dani fling a leg over and turn back (she generally gets Tabi out) so I thought everyone was out.  I ran back into the house to use the bathroom and grab towels.  As I approached the back door, Meli and Nicci run up crying, screaming "THE BABY IS DEAD!"  I ran out and saw Dani standing by the tank.  She was holding Tabi who was pale and limp.  I grabbed Tabi and ran into the house.  She wasn't breathing.  She was cold, and she was turning blue.  I called 911. 

Someone knocked on the door.  Two women from next door came in, one stating she was a nurse.  They took Tabi, laid her on the floor, and started trying to get her to breathe.  After what seemed like forever, I finally heard sirens.  I ran outside (the women were inside with Tabi) to wave down the first responders since the address on the house is hard to see.  Also during all this, I am trying to keep the other 4 children calm and in their rooms.  Tabi was still laid on the floor, limp and breathless.  He dropped to his knees and started to pray.  It was then, Tabi took her first ragged breath and spit out some water.  It had been about 10 minutes since she was pulled from the water.  We are told that they will need to Mediflight her to OU Children's Hospital but we cannot go with her.  I call a friend to come get the other kids. 

I load the van and drive as fast as we can the hour plus to OKC.  Tabi was having seizures and they were concerned that her brain was swelling.  They took her in for a CT that showed no initial swelling but wanted us to understand that did not mean things were okay.  They let us know they needed to intubate her.  We were told to give her a kiss before we left.  When the church members present prayed for her, I and her entire medical team also laid our hands on her body.  After the prayer, we were sent out. 

After what seemed like forever, I was finally allowed back in to see her.  She was so still.  The doctor explained she was sedated.  He was saying that the best we could hope for was several days to weeks on the ventilator in the ICU then weeks more in the hospital.  Even then, she may never be the same child she was before because there was no telling how much damage had been done by the lack of oxygen.  We were moved up to the ICU to wait it out. 

It could be seen on the monitor that she was initiating breathes so they decided to turn down the sedation so she could be evaluated by a neurologist.  As soon as she started to come around, she started trying to pull the tube out.  Because she was doing so well, it was decided that they would let her wake up and see if the tube could be removed.  As she woke up, she tried over and over to pull the tube out, even trying to use both arms together to grasp it as she had immobilizers over the IV lines.  About 9:30 she woke up and the tube was removed.  She looked around the room, asked for Dani. 

I was told I could hold her.  I picked her up but her head was super floppy, like when she was a newborn.  As the hours passed, though she wasn't able to lift her head, she started getting up on her knees and turning circles in the crib.  By morning, she had some neck control though she still couldn't sit up.  She was also asking for and signing milk and asking for Dani and Meli.  She was given some milk and she did great with drinking it and keeping it down.  Around 2pm we got word we would be moving to a regular peds room. 

She continued to improve at an incredible rate.  By bedtime, she had eaten a meal of solids and was sitting up alone.  By the next day, she was standing in the crib and talking as well as she did before the accident.  In the afternoon she was allowed to be off the monitors and go down to the play room.  She kept trying to stand and walk but was extremely wobbly even for her.  By later that evening, she could walk several steps at a time without falling.  And, by the next morning, she was walking almost as well as before. 

At about 11:30, which was almost exactly 72 hours after the accident, the doctor came in and told us that had no intention of letting her go so soon, but everyone was talking about the miracle baby and he had to come see for himself.  He said they weren't doing anything for her because God had already done it all and we would be going home that day!      To look at her now, you would never imagine what she has been through.  She is doing absolutely everything she was before and can't seem to understand what all the fuss is about.

And for those who are wondering how this could have happened with her in a life jacket, she was able to slip her arms out and turn the "puddle jumper" jacket around.  Then, the jacket held her under the water until her sister pulled her out. 

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow! What a truly scary story!! I am so glad Tabi is okay, and Dani as well. I will continue to pray for all of you. What a great testament of his love and faithfulness for us! Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.

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