Thursday, November 1, 2012

Words of Wisdom

Okay, I mentioned last week that due to some health concerns, we would have to be undertaking an new lifestyle.  We have spent much time this last week reading, studying, and praying and have finally come to a conclusion.  The final decision:  we are going to move into a predominately Pescatarian diet. 

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a pescatarian eats a mostly vegetarian diet consisting of grains, fruits, and vegetables.  As with some vegetarians, we are also going to continue to include dairy and eggs.  In addition to that, we will be including fish, shellfish, and mollusks in 2-3 meals per week.

We currently still plan to consume some limited amounts of meat or poultry during cold weather (no more than 1 meal per week) hence my statement of a predominately Pescatarian diet.  And, we will be enacting these changes over the next few months.

There are 3 main reasons for this:
1.  As anyone who knows us well knows, we are food storers.  That means at this point we have a chest freezer and a regular (over the fridge) freezer both full of predominately red meat.  In addition, we have soups, etc in the cabinet that will not fit into the new diet.  The idea of wasting all that money is more than I can stand!
2.  Sudden and radical changes in a person's diet can lead to severe abdominal discomfort and other surprising complications.  With me currently being pregnant (hope to peek at gender tomorrow!), I am not going to risk making me, Baby 6, or any of the other children sick by drastically changing our diet.
3.  We need some time to build a stock of the items that do coincide with our new diet since we are food storers.  The idea of not having some extra on hand is unnerving, lol.

So, the current plan is to decrease the meat served at each meal until we are eating some meals each week that are meatless.  I hope to have us completely converted within 6 months.  I know some are thinking that's a long time to transistion, but it does take into account our 3 main concerns with the changes.

Wish us luck!

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