Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's Been Too Long

I cannot believe how long it has been since I updated!  Things have been so busy around here that everything has gotten pushed aside lately.  Let me give a short recap of everything that has been going on.

First, Dani has been enrolled in an online charter school for next year.  She is really excited about going to school at home and taking lots of field trips, lol.  I have to admit that I am a bit nervous about it, but I'm sure it will be fine.

Second, Tabi has of course arrived.  She was born at 9:46am on June 1, 2011.  She weighed in at a hefty 9lb 1 oz and 21" long.  She was born with what at first appearance seemed to be a slight tongue tie.  She seemed to nurse okay those first couple of days so we had planned to leave it alone.  Then on day three when my milk came in, she couldn't latch.  At 5 days she ended up getting the tie clipped.  The dr could barely get his fingers under to clip it.  It then took us almost another 2 weeks to figure out how to latch, so needless to say, at times breastfeeding has been difficult and painful.  She now nurses like a champ though and I hope to see good growth at her check up on Tuesday.

We also had a very special opporunity for my step son who is 15 to come stay with us for a couple of weeks!  We have never gotten to do this before and it was a really emotional time.  Tabi was less than 2 weeks old when we picked him up.  We spent the next 12 days trying to show him everything!  The experience caused a lot of mixed emotions.  It was exciting, scary, fun, stressful, relaxed, tense, and more all at the same time.  Occationally, tempers flaired and tears rained.  Overall, it went pretty well and we are hoping to have more extended visits in the future.

I feel bad that I have let my updates go for so long and I do promise to try to do better in the future.  For now, I'm going to call it a night.

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