Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Healthy New Addiction

I'm ready to admit it.  I am addicted to Zumba!  It is so fun.  I honestly can't get enough.  I did 40 minutes Monday, 50 minutes yesterday, 45 minutes today and I can't wait until I get to Zumba again tomorrow.  I know it's exercise but I see now why it's so popular.  It is energizing with great music.  I'm still a bit uncoordinated so I miss some steps and do others completely backwards, but I'm moving! The time passes so fast that it's like I'm not even working out.  Don't misunderstand that.  I work, hard and I sweat, a lot.  It's just that doing the Zumba routines is like going to a party.  It seems like as soon as I start, it's over but in fact I've burned some serious calories!  I have to be careful though, I mean too much of even a good thing can be bad.  So, I limit my sessions to 1-2 routines per day.  I'm building up slowly with more complex routines as I go.  I plan to make Zumba a healthy part of my routine as I get more fit.  After all, exercise that is enjoyable is always going to be a plus.  And, if I'm going to lose the weight and keep it off, I'm going to have to make long term plans to stay with both the healthier eating and the increased activity. 

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