Monday, August 15, 2011

No Weigh

So, I have been weighing every single day.  In fact, sometimes I weigh twice a day.  This is definitely not good for me.  We have decided that I can weigh no more than twice a week.  Since I tend to splurge more on the weekend, I'd probably do best to weigh on either Wednesday or Friday.  So, I'm taking his advice.  I will now be weighing only on Friday after I've had a full week to repair the weekend if I have trouble. 

I did weigh last Friday and I was at 251 and that is consistant with were I am today (I know bad girl, but this is the last time really until Friday).  Yeah!  That's a 4lb loss from last week.  I will post my weigh in again on Friday since that is the new chosen day.  I hope my Zumba keeps giving me good results. 

I am still watching what I eat, but found I was overdoing the calorie counting.  I was, in fact, starving and sabotaging myself.  I am currently breastfeeding which requires about 500 calories a day for milk.  I was down to 1270 calories a day and burning about 600 with Zumba,  plus nursing.  I was trying not to eat any of the calories I burned, and I wasn't logging the breastfeeding at all.  That means I was netting closer to 170 calories a day.  Because of this, any time I ate over my calorie count, my body tried to store it all.  I actually ate more this weekend, still trying to watch portion sizes though, than I have in several weeks and the result was good!  I'll keep monitoring it and make adjustments as I need to.

I still plan to log my exercise so that I can see what my activity is doing for me.  I am logging water as well because honestly, I hate to drink it and the log helps me.  I also have a much better idea of how many calories are in things and have made some healthier switches.  I am drinking no regular soda, adding no sugar (some Splenda though), and cutting portion sizes.  I think this may be a better long range method for me.  I just obsess too much to continue the way I was doing.  We'll see what next week brings.

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